Eating disorders are obviously Yas Forums, right? I mean...

Eating disorders are obviously Yas Forums, right? I mean, they constitute more than half of the discussion here and most anons have one

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the true red pill is realizing that almost everyone here suffers from either muscle dysmorphia or an eating disorder

Lost count of how many failed bulks I've started. Tell myself I'll eat more then avoid eating properly cos I'm scared it'll just turn to fat

I like to watch youtubers talk shit about fat people because it makes me feel good about myself instead of bad.
Sometimes Greg D does this too

I like to see boogie feel good about himself one day and then gain the weight back and slowly kill himself

and that's a good thing

>average Yas Forums poster

Also, I listen to Greg D while driving and pretend he is the parrot from Aladdin.

Well I don't want to see anyone who actually tries to be better fail, just boogie since he has never really committed to anything, even sits on the fence when it comes to losing weight, he'll get surgery then get fat again to keep his options open

I feel bad for him, it obviously comes from a deeper place beyond laziness


Yes. Eating disorders are fit.
Motivation is good, even if it comes from a bad place.

Lol this is the most retarded take on eating disorders I’ve ever heard

you are a horible human

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Better to stress over eating than be an unhealthy fat

Is this some sort of bingo ?
Fuck me. I really need to get some help.
Any of you fags are getting treatment for this ? What have you done to get better ?

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Yes but I'll be shredded come summer

don't care

Its a way of life bro, i have the exact same routine as pic related and it's all good

I'm not really sure how you can live in a developed world, care about what your health and not have most of these issues. Especially in America where most convenient food is incredibly unhealthy. Like, you basically have to police your own diet to see good results. Is it healthy to always be worried about your diet? No. But it isn't healthy to not either so choose which side you want to be on.

Me neither

who care's lol
I bet these people would say monks have eating disorders

The real redpill is that people who are happy being fat have body dysmorphia. It is natural to not want to look like shit, and dare I say, based.

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>What have you done to get better ?
Well first of all I stopped caring what some pic says, that oversimplifies psychological illness and was probably written by a fatty

>paying attention to what you eat and exercising is a disorder
>t. Dr. Shekelstein
I can't wait for the DOTR.

>tfw somehow all of these at once thanks to intermittent fasting

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But being obese, not exercising at all and never turning down food are all okay as long as you're happy and aren't afraid of gaining more weight. Science sure is something.

>excerice is disorderly
>not wanting to gain fat is disorderly
>avoiding fried chicken is disorderly
>all women
Maybe they're disorderly

I've had eating disorders my whole life. Probably as cope for getting diddled young.

>grew up a fatty
>had bouts of chewing food and spitting it out, trying to purge, trying and failing to starve
>start working out around 16 but progress is slow and food is plentiful
>leave home at 17 and begin cycle of loss and gain
>eventually, diddler dies and I have a nervous breakdown
>enter the golden age, anorexia
>extreme control, very strict routine, cut out everything white, meat, fruit, weigh daily, am crazy af and loving it
>well under 90lbs when senpai sees me and freaks out
>start eating around them
>begin purging
>start eating a lot because fuck it gonna purge
>dark ages, bulimia
>eating thousands of calories at a time. Entire boxes of cereal, whole pizzas, cartons of ice cream. Obsessed with combination of savory then sweet. Drink tons of diet coke to wash it down making it easier and sweeter when you purge
>advice from proana/mia sites, hoping to god to return to anorexia
>nope.jpg become alcoholic instead
>gains unstoppable
>hit new high almost 180
>quit drinking, take up swimming
>drop like 50 lbs
>take up other active hobbies
>start seeing gains
>can do pullups for the first time ever, it's like a super power
>arms cut, back cut, abs starting to show
>can't get in minimum 1200 cals
>losing gains
>can't sleep, always tired, can barely work out
>I'm dropping weight, only 4.2 lbs away from being medically underweight again
>bones starting to pop
part of me loves it, part of me is worried. I'm logging everything in mfp and I'm restricting compulsively. I'm obsessed with getting enough protein but I can't even with supps. Eating too many carbs. Every day I'm under 1k, usually by a few hundred cals. I cook but I can barely stomach a small serving. Mostly living off of coffee and water. My abs don't show even though I'm smaller. My arms are less defined. I don't know what's the best path. For now, I can only appreciate the opportunity to know the data

>chewing food and spitting it out
I've done this while cutting when I was younger, but I think I was overtraining since I haven't done that in almost a decade now. Well, one time there someone left some pastries at my house that we're going to go bad, so I was gonna have to throw it out anyway, decided to just chew on it so I could enjoy the flavor at least knowing I'd never eat that shit. That was maybe 5 years ago. Doesn't seem like on its own it should be that concerning, don't wine tasters basically do the same thing? But yeah, and 90lbs you shouldn't be spitting anything out. Being medically underweight is a retarded goal, and only someone with a serious eating disorder would want that. Then again, plenty of anons have goals of being overweight or even obese while chasing gains.