I wanna gain some mass for rugby; is the deadlift actually a good mass builder or is it just a CNS meme?
I wanna gain some mass for rugby; is the deadlift actually a good mass builder or is it just a CNS meme?
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If you have enough volume, just about any exercise will put mass on you.
only fags play rugby
You wouldn’t last a minute on a rugby pitch lmao
was first 15 at school faggot ill fucking kill u
You were defo the bitch boy of the team
post ass
cringe shit for over compensating, 3rd world bitch boys
But the majority of people who play rugby are privately educated you smoothbrain
what race is that guy?
southern European/med?
also of course you have an advantage with more mass, ever heard of physics?
but you also want mostly functional mass.
I mean why add dead weight?
this id why I don't use gym locker rooms
loser rugby is cool.
do you know how fucking uncomfortable football armor is?
also you look way cooler.
t. former football player
this is way cooler than football.
He’s a saffa
6’9 125kg of beef
If you do nothing but deadlifts and pullups your back (and posterior chain) will grow, whether the deadlift is a cns meme or not is entirely down to how you train it, sets of 8-12 on deadlifts with great form will light up your back and lats like nothing else, you'll want to push some 3-5 rep sets (heavier, obviously, to gain more compentency and strength with the lift overall), but in general I would only do that about once a month and focus on getting your strength up in the 8-12 range, for 3-4 sets. finish that up with pullups and you're golden for general mass gains/sport specifc strength
He looks kind of like my brothers, we are all mutts, expect i'm the tallest.
also he looks nothing like the guys in pic related
and is 200000% more attractive (in an aesthetic sense you fucking homos) than any negro or mix I've seen, doesn't look black at all.
My family Is southern European decent and native American.
what do the women look like?
What sports do you play
Dude are you from Yas Forums? You’re talking like you’re from Yas Forums.
No i'm American.
I'm not racist like Yas Forums.
Well here’s him in action anyway
Nothing I've just been doing a fairly minimalist routine for most of my lifting (only 5 years) and I can vouch for the fact that it only takes a few key lifts done well to build mass. Deadlifts are a good choice for rugby I suppose, because they make you powerful and resilient overall
What are your lifts?
the dude is like a god among ants in terms of stature, skill, and even aesthetics.
Fuck bruv, don’t mess with this dude. He will kill you
Meh, he has nothing on Pacific Islanders
not at all impressive, I've done a bit of volume and I've been very consistent but not really put together a good training cycle to hit my best numbers. I've pulled 180kgx2 and 140kgx10 from the floor conventional, and done 180kgx6 on mid shin rack pull. my best set of neutral grip pullups is probably only 11-12, never really did weighted. just consistent bodyweight volume
Fair play still decently strong
How old?
Can you please stop posting here?
28, dealt with scoli ribcage/subsequent scapula problems my whole time training, which held me back a lot, so your average guy who is actually young and fit will blow past my gains easily with some proper commitment
Guessing you’ve been to the doc to try sort your shit out?
>ugly as dog shit
>thinks that's quality
Why are you comparing resistance training to endurance running? Running doesnt meaningfully load ANY joint or muscluar system in the body in a way beyond isometrics, theres fuck all leg rom compared to traditional hypertrophy training and no upper body stress so where is mass going to develop? so why dont you stop posting here you fucking faggot
also, they all have at LEAST pretty good calves so you proved him right even more
We’re talking about rugby ability, not whether you’d have sex with him fag
docs dont know shit, I've been too shit to consistently see the phyios I have worked with. It's improving and I think I understand the mechanical issue, next stop is a chiro