I’ve binge eaten so much recently that I went from 138 pounds to 185 in a month...

I’ve binge eaten so much recently that I went from 138 pounds to 185 in a month. It’s to the point that today at work I ate 4 donuts out of the garbage (convenience store job btw)

I’m thinking of locking myself in my bedroom and just having my (very supportive) parents unlock the door and put a bottle of either ensure or ensure enlive inside my room at 3 points throughout the day. This would of course mean quitting my job.

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Inb4 seek help

I’ve exhausted every eating disorder treatment resource in my area. None of it has remotely helped. No regular therapist has been able to help either.

>I went from 138 pounds to 185 in a month
no you didn't

yes he did

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this is loose skin user, picture on the left is the after, picture on the right is his before. he lost a lot of weight over a long time and has loose skin. he posts here often. that image has nothing to do with OP.

Can you just be fat instead of reposting this shit every night? I think that's your best option since you lack any responsibility or personal accountability, you're meant to be fat, embrace it. Eat some doughnuts, fuck pie and eat it too.

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This seems like a troll post but I'll give you some tips just in case this is real.

1st any place that specializes in eating disorders are fucked. If you aren't a girl under 20 they don't care. Your psych or family doctor will help so much more.

2nd fix this before you get stuck in the cycle of the big 3.

I've been battling food disorders forever and the only one I cant shake is binging. The only thing that i can do to help is to put a hard time when I can eat. I eat all my calories in a 2 hour period around my workout. Having one of something or using food for a reward system is flawed for us. I hope you get better friend.

No it's not, dude it the pic made a thread the other day crying about his weight gain saying he was going to kill himself

pretty much this

embrace the bloat OP, go bearmode, your body is lashing out against you for fighting your biology for so long

some people just aren't meant to be thinspo skellies, I too learned this the hard way

you're already on TRT, all you need to do is lift like a muthafucker

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I did USED to have the drive to lose weight, now I just don’t have it at all. It’s addiction, and once you start an addiction you can never shake it, ever.

I tried to kill myself. I got the fucking cops called to my house and they were afraid I’d commit suicide by cop. It wasn’t funny

yeah, the first time is always the easiest because you think it'll be easy to keep the weight off once you hit your goal weight, but it's not. Maintaining a low bodyfat% is way harder than getting there in the first place because there's no reward for just maintaining (you just stay the same) and you expect it to be easy, but it's not.

Anorexics who develop BED and involutenarily balloon up rarely get back to their lowest weight because their fantasy of being happily-thin-forever has been shattered, they know it's not sustainable deep down so they're subconciously not willing to tolerate the hellish suffering required to get that skinny anymore.

Read a few anorexic recovery blogs OP and get some perspective. You're no different to the millions of other kids with EDs who've all experienced the same thing. The final redpill is simply accepting that you don't have the genetics to be effortlessly thin, so you have to settle for being thick and meaty instead. It's not a bad look anyway.

Allow yourself to binge, you'll initially overshoot your set point, but eventually your hunger hormones will normalize, you won't be compelled to binge and you'll gradually return to your ideal weight where you ditch this ED crap forever and live a normal life. I know this sounds scary but I promise you it's for the best, I know because I've been through this myself.

The only alternative is suicide. But you won't do it, I watched your suicide attempt livestream and it's clear that you don't have it in you to give up on life.

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Just be fat bro. You're not going to be happy trying to be something you're not. Like you said, you've tried everything. What you haven't tried yet is to just be happy being fat, and not reposting this thread.

I was absolutely happy when I was thin and the thing normies don’t understand is that this is not about hunger. It’s compulsive. I don’t enjoy binge eating, I just do it and then cry every time. Daily life for me is waking up, telling myself today will be different, making it to like 6:00 then fucking myself over.

I achieved my dreams, it was NOT hard to maintain being so skinny, I just started fucking myself. I’m someone doomed to fuck myself until I’m dead.

So did he?

That's okay bro. You don't have to commit suicide. Just stop posting these threads and keep eating. You're fighting your destiny and we're suffering with you because of it. It is better for everyone, you and all of us, if you just embrace your love for food. And stop posting these threads.

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I can’t be happy and fat at the same time. It’s absolutely impossible. Living right now is uncomfortable as it gets. I can’t do anything I want because I’m so embarrassed at being overweight. I can’t meet girls, hang out with friends, and now I refuse to go to work. Happy and fat are so exclusive that fat equals manic suicidal tendencies.

maybe try a therapist that isnt in your area? or maybe they were treating to treat the eating disorder but not what actually causes it? how long did you stick with a therapist, this stuff takes time
literally the crab in the bucket picture
post body
you literally spam threads with this insecure negative shit and its obvious its the same person
dont be a pussy

Fuck you from the bottom of my fat clogged heart.

I know everybody on this site probably has schizoid personality disorder and/or autism, but just know that I’m in such a horrible mental state that more comments like that could motivate me to actually shoot some pigs and get myself killed.

You already said when you're eating until you're fat you're fucking yourself. That's like two levels of fucking, you're top and bottom at the same time. You can be happy with that. And stop posting these threads.

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also user, have you ever tried a psychiatrist? maybe medication would be a better route?
meant to tag him in post above
post body

Yeah I compulsively do exactly what is driving me insane and suicidal. That’s why all freedom needs to be taken from me and I need to be locked in my room for however many months it takes to lose 50 pounds drinking 3 bottles of ensure a day.

yeah, l'm thinking based

just adding to the physchatrist thing i mentioned, if your eating disorder is caused by an underlying mental illness (which it almost always is) medication will be very effective
ive struggled with eating disorders myself user, its never easy
stay strong bro dont listen to the retard schizoid telling u to an hero

look man, you're not going to win against your own biology, the longer you delay the inevitable the more you're going to suffer. Give your mind and body and break and be happy for fuck sake. These threads are comedic tragedy for everyone else on this board.

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post body dont ignore me lol post ur body

The sole goal 'being thin/in shape/good looking' is shit in the first place. Your primary Yas Forums goal should always be 'performance' in any sport and even if it's just weight lifting. The looks will come anyway and can be improved as a secondary goal.

It is 1AM and I look like crap because I've got a big belly full of OMAD but you asked. OP should still just be fat and stop posting these threads because we've offered him every form of advice we can and he's still helpless because he has refused to help himself. That isn't going to change. He won't change because he doesn't think he can. So he should just learn to be happy with his self destructive behavior.

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I am on a cocktail of meds (vraylar for schizophrenia, adderall for ADHD, clomid for testosterone, wellbutrin for depression etc). Adderall is even an appetite suppressant. This is compulsive thrill seeking in a way. It just happens to be in a way that to my disordered brain is more destructive than heroin or alcohol.

I can’t be happy until I’m back to my perfect weight of 138


You are faggot

it has to be a schizoid or autistic thing to be unable to comprehend a mental illness, like somehow OP deep down wants to be fat and if they just had self control they could stop
thats not how an eating disorder works, it doesnt matter how mentally strong you are or whatever if you have an eating disorder its extremely hard to stop and you have very little control over your behavior