My gym opening up on Friday

My gym opening up on Friday.

They're limiting us to 90 minute blocks that we have to sign up for ahead of time.

I can't fucking take it. I need 2-3 hours to get a good workout in! They're not even letting us have 24 hour access anymore, forcing more people into the already cramped scheduling system! I just want to fucking lift!

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Nigga where u live

>My gay fucking goverment cares more about boomers dying and "the second wave"
>Gym still closed for the foreseeable future
I fucking hate the elderly we're supposedly protecting, fuckers keep bumping into me at the supermarkets and I've never seen so many of these boomers out and about, who gives a fuck if this chinese virus is cleaning out caretaker homer. Hell, I don't need more than 60 minutes excluding locker room or changing times.

So how the fuck does King Crimson work?

atleast u get to workout

North Dakota

Is half a workout actually a workout?

>needing 2-3 hours to get a good workout in
wanna know how i know you look like shit?

This body doesn't need explaining faggot

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I didn't ask what's his WORKout, I asked HOW DOES HE FUCKING WORK

>An hour and a half is insufficient for a workout
nigga what? do you never train intensely

I don't think even the author knows

No, it's not part of my the current stage of my self-improvement plan

If my gym ever fucking opened, I'd take it and do all the heavy barbell movements. I'm enough a calisthenics fag to do all the rest outside the gym, and I have an adjustable dumbell I can do curls with.
Why the fuck do you need a gym to do pullups and dips?

>I need 2-3 hours to get a good workout in!

t. memesplit faggot doing nothing but isolation exercises for 4 sets of 20 reps.

OP = fag

>current stage of my self-improvement plan
wtf does that mean? what self-improvement are you even doing then?
are you mewing in the gym? doing weighted kegels? meditating in the squat rack??

I generally agree with you, the problem is that those old fucks would clog the hospitals and people of value could die because there's no place to treat them.

So it's less about protecting boomers and more about protecting hospitals from hordes of dying boomer fucking shits

Still, they should section off the risk cases, the problem is mostly them keeping people that were already on the brink alive for way too long. They're putting these 80+ year old on ventilators, pretending like they're doing them a favor while completely fucking them up. I'm not buying this approach anymore.

I'll just say one thing
Ancaps never lost access to any stores or fyms in their circles
Must suck to be a statist cuck

he can see the future
he can delete time periods inside what he predicted

he can look into the future and delete certain events
For example, he uses epitaph to see himself getting shot, then he could use KC to "delete" that event from occurring. So no damage from the bullet. Saying he erases time is just a way to make this process sound cool but it makes it seem way too confusing.

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My gym is planning to have open on monday, coming week.

I pay 85 USD per month for this shit

I will fucking steal 2plates and put them in my bag next time

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>sign up for block 1 as James Jameson
>use a fake moustache and sign up for block 2 as Must Ardson
>get 3 hours of work in

You don't know shit that's why you look like him too faggot.

he removes time thats all there is to it

do i have potential for Jotaro Kujo / Jojo villain physique

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no. u need to be handsome for that

55357965 (OP) where you from OP? all my gyms in ND are closed are you from Fargo?

What OS is that?

I'm focusing on getting my hormones and other molecular physiological aspects in order. Gym isn't the main focus, as I'm reading a lot of religious, philosophical, and psychological literature.

Of course I'm in Fargo, nobody lives in the rest of the state. Gyms open up on Friday.

>I need 2-3 hours to get a good workout in
no you fucking don't lol
Make the sets that you do matter
Google DC training or Fortitude training if you want to do some pump stuff. In and out and utterly fucked in 45 minutes to an hour and a half.

>working out for 2-3 hours
Holy shit people how long are your rest periods? Do you really not have anything else to do besides work out?