Shortness of breathe with no history of asthma

Before I go to the doctor I wanted to talk to you bros.

Been Yas Forums for a little over a month or so and have lost around 30 pounds. For 3 weeks now I have been having these times where I am at shortness of breath. This issue has become more and more common as the days go by. I workout 6 days a week and eat healthily. I don't smoke or drink. I quit vaping 7 months go and havent had this breathing problem until I changed my life. I drink a little over a gallon of water a day.

Im scared bros

What the fuck is going on with me?

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you have corona, you are gonna die

I should add that I dont experience the shortness of breathe shit while working out or doing HIIT. I usually only notice it while I'm laying in bed or at my computer.


can u post more like pic related

yes I can, can you tell me if I'm gonna die or not

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Im not a doctor and neither should you listen to anyone on here who says they are. You will have to go to the doctor and since you only notice it in bed and stuff can it perhaps be mental?

Get checked by a doctor, you could have lung cancer.

Best of luck user

I dont have any mental problems or history of them that I know of. is it common for people to think they are short of breathe when they are not?

if I have lung cancer I'm going to kms and live stream it

It could be stress fucking with your diaphragm. Explain what you mean by Shortness of breath, trouble breathing or trouble filling your lungs to the max?

when I breathe it doesnt feel like I'm getting enough air in

the sensation and feeling maybe remind me of having something infront of my nostrils or mouth. just that feeling of being suffocated or something like that

unironically 'rona

Why are you gay?

I'm not gay anymore faggot fuck off I'm straight edged now

i refuse to believe that the Chinese have won

>can post only two anime pictures itt
nigga u gay, quit sucking dicks and maybe you wont get breathless

could be stomach ulcer or acid reflux, especially if the symptoms arise when lying down

If that's all you have I'd say it's only stress, maybe you got spooked thinking it was Corona and started noticing it more every day. I'm not a doctor tho, so go to one to be sure and ask him to check with a saturometer for your oxygen. Again tho, it's probably nothing, you're not gonna die

The shortness is elevated when I'm laying on my back for sure. Acid reflux was one that someone told me it could be. I never really had it and that person said that I probably developed it from drinking so much water? idk if that is true or not.

thanks bro, I love you

Wouldn't that mean some chest pain around the stomach too?

You still have to check with your doc. If it's only stress, going to the doc will help a lot more than reading a post on 4chin. Maybe even a simple phone call would be enough

I have major anxiety problems, and I get this. I will try to breath deeper and deeper to try to get more air, and all this does it make my lungs sore, freaking me out even more. Just relax and talk to your doctor. You should be fine.

Holy shit OP I had the exact same thing about 6 weeks ago. It felt like I couldn't catch my breath and there was pressure in my chest. The only time I got relief was when I would breath in really deeply through my mouth, and that would work only half the time. It was super uncomfortable and made it hard to sleep.

After about 5 days I starting working out and focusing on deep breathing and after a few days it started to subside.

Aren't You having any hard time in Your life? Some big changes? What You are describing sounds a lot like psychical problems because of some pushed stress, or not solved problems. Since I pressume You are from USA go see a doctor and take spirometry test, it shouldn't be that expensive. (Also EKG holter could be considered). You will see, if You don't have asthma or chronic obstructive pupmonary disease, or some arythmia.
How many years and how many cigarettes have You smoked? When I was studying medicine, doctors taught us, that 200'000 cigarettes are some cut off line when They take diseases in patient's body as they are caused mainly by smoking.
I reckon You are Young and didn't smoke much, so lung cancer is not very probable.

- same user here

You should be having acid reflux after eating, and also while working out, when You activate Your core musscles. Also when You are lying You should be coughing a lot because of gastric fluids pouring into Your lungs.

I dont cough at all

>Aren't You having any hard time in Your life? Some big changes?
I'm having lots of changes but life isnt the worst at the moment, I'm improving everyday and feeling better than I used too

>how many years and how many cigs
Havent smoked a cig in maybe 2 to 3 years. I vaped for a 2 years after smoking and had no breathing problems back then. I smoked cigs for roughly a year, first few months was just like a cig here and there then it quickly jumped to half a pack and then a full pack a day.

I've had this same issue for a month, some days more than others, a slight chest pain and apparent trouble breathing. Went to the doctor, he said it was only stress, but two weeks after that I still have it even with 20 min of cardio every day. What can I do to make it go away?

have sex

OP, you can get one of these to make sure you're getting enough oxygen

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>focusing on deep breathing
were you meditating? or just taking deep breaths more often? tell us bro we need you.

if this becomes anymore of an issue I'll look into getting one.

look up silent reflux

I didn't feel like I was short of breath so much as I felt like I wasn't able to fill my lungs all the way, like I didn't feel weak or like I couldn't breath and I was still lifting and doing cardio but I'd have to just stop and fucking breath in DEEP and HARD just to make sure my lungs were still filling up, felt like there was dead space or something weird, just something not right. Had chest pain too which freaked me out, especially since me and my dad had nasal congestion and mild cold like symptoms for like 2 weeks, and for 2 weeks before that I had a mild fever. I'm sure they're somehow related because my dad seemed paranoid about his breathing too but neither of us wanted to say anything and we both ended up just doing a ton of cardio everyday instead.

fuck it I guess I'll do more cardio and see what happens