What am I supposed to do if I'm not a "talker"?

What am I supposed to do if I'm not a "talker"?
Now that I have some gains and the confidence to engage my standard of woman and have been successful a few times, I notice that these kind of women love to talk, fucking constantly, they are almost never "off" and always need to be stimulated.
I find that after 2 months or so they are already becoming bored of me because I am just not a fucking blabbing baboon like they are. I dont have 100 friends that I see 4 times a week. I dont need shown off to the world daily because of my well maintained body. And I dont need to be engaging someone at all fucking hours of the day.
I'm starting to feel doomed because I've had a taste of this life and I want to love and be loved by these insanely beautiful women but I haven't been able to keep one yet.

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Do you have interesting hobbies and/or passionate about things outside of gym and/or active social life. This reads like you are a bit boring user.

>women love to talk, fucking constantly, they are almost never "off" and always need to be stimulated.
He's learning.

If you want to be more extroverted just spend more time around those people you will figure it out

You listen.

Just be a good listener and let them do all the talking. It's way easier than actually being the one talking. Ask them questions. The last girl I went out with had this terrible habit of saying "and what else?" Whenever there was silence between us for more than 30 seconds. It's not your fucking obligation to maintain endless conversations. When we do that here on Yas Forums, we call it "shitposting," and for good reason.

Watch the movie Drive on Netflix. You’ll learn

No I am not boring I do all kinds of things that are active like biking, swimming, surfing, hiking, rock climbing. I have met these women doing these things and believe me they are top of the stock women solid 9s. After a while the allure of the relationship wains and they have left me, cheated, or I left them.
This is not good advice I try to listen to my best ability and give my input but its not enough, they always need a "new vibe"

In my low moment I actually thought this shit smear board could help me out a bit.

Whatever faggots, here's what my most recent ex looks very similar to. Kiki passo

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This is one of the most pathetic posts I have ever seen.

Ok dude good luck with your dating

Damn that's crazy

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Go watch Drive

Everything has its price. If you're intelligent, dealing with women's banality is painful.

i dont think anyone could reasonably answer this
either they suffer from the same problem, or they dont and they dont know how to answer it
plus its more of a personal thing, we'd have to know you

>What am I supposed to do if I'm not a "talker"?
Let me know if you find out. I have practiced starting conversation with random people and talking to anyone I come across in my day still doesn't help. I've been around and part of very social groups my whole life it's not like I'm a complete shut in. I guess it's just about finding someone who appreciates a bit of quite time and company.

Want to know about women? I've had a gf go from little miss priss to Proxy Paige lite because she read an anal sex scene in a fucking romance book. They are vacant, dull and live to be directed by someone.

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Look for women that are as socially retarded as yourself.


This post reeks of an enlightened gentleman.

You are probably quite good looking but your dates end up realising you're not very compatible. All of your physical hobbies look cool at first but it becomes blatantly obvious that you dont have an exciting life and arent a fun person.

Its all very well and good being an improoooover but if you become a super serious no fun allowed guy you're gonna turn anyone off thats even a tiny bit silly.

Stop trying to date gossip girl normies and maybe pursue someone you click with personality wise rather than just aiming for the hottest girl you can find. You're probably overlooking the lack of chemistry between you two because they are so fucking hot.

Do stuff you like with them
I talk almost nothing with girls
You don't need to entertain women

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it's possible (even likely) they will be bored after a few months regardless of how stimulating you are. that's just kind of how those people are. always need to next fix, not working to cultivate what they already have.

I knew a guy who was super quiet. Nice fella but even though he had some social skills something was 'missing' and in the end he was catalogued as boring. But the guy was happy being himself. He got married two years ago. At the wedding we were like 20 people. Just the ones he loved. Again: he was fucking happy with that.
Everyone finds somebody. I don't think it's a tragedy to be alone, just enjoy the moment and that thing will come. I mean, how old are you? 45, 55yo? C'on.

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Tfw I realise I'll never find a gf who doesn't feel the need to fill every moment of silence with worthless blabbering

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don't worry. less is more. you should unironically read heartiste now.

>What am I supposed to do if I'm not a "talker"?
don't talk


No but seriously if you aren't interested in talking with women and connect with them on the emotional plane there's no fucking point to talk to them, if you stop playing fucking vidya and cooming you will feel that talking to people is more interesting and thus meet people and see them as individuals instead of a sexual toy to masturbate against.

how is this fitness related again?

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yeah I'm the same. I really don't like to talk that much. It's useless and tiresome so often. I enjoy not talking that much like others. Women constantly wanna tlak about something, like really. I had a gf once, but I think just because of that we broke up.
I guess we are just doomed to be this way. Fuck women I would say. Having way more fun being a single, even though I don't have sex.

>but it becomes blatantly obvious that you dont have an exciting life and arent a fun person
And wqhat am I supposed to do about this? My hobbies are jsut that way and I'm not that kinda guy to constantly crack joke. I really don't like talking constantly. Should I force myself "not boring". I wouldn't even know how, I'm just not chad.
Nah fuck that, I rather life on my own and have some fun with friends. Fuck women if that's what they want.

I like this post because I like to think I’m similar to your friend. I think there comes a point where alterations that endear you to others come at the expense of your own happiness.

Consider reading the last paragraph of the post you replied to. If that doesn’t apply, idk just screen for compatibility more before entering a relationship

>I do all kinds of things that are active like biking, swimming, surfing, hiking, rock climbing.
Bring them with you. You don't need to talk when you're having fun.
The same way noone expects you to talk during sex, no one expects you to have a real conversation when you're doing some kind of group activity that take most of your attention

Yikes, ok incel.