Why is Tinder so easy right now?

Why is Tinder so easy right now?

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>Let's have a Zoom date

yeah no

In times of crisis and uncertainty women are drawn more to men. I have also seen this outside of twitter. Also includes older ladies. They seek comfort and alter behaviour.

this, what's the move with tinder thots rn bros? I don't want to add them on snap and make small talk until quarantine is up but it feels autistic not to message them after we match

Normie social media fags leave now reeeeee

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Im trying not to swipe for now cause they will forget about you or youll forget about them after corona. I had a match from a month ago and its hard to just keep on talking and you cant even meet


it’s cool cause im getting so many matches but it sucks cause i can’t meet up. it feels pointless to talk to them unless i can actually meet up.

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Imagine spending energy on this shit, women are fucking trash, especially tinder cunts

What ever happened to talking to people on the phone

naw for real, so many girls have tried to just get me to follow their insta and nothing more after i match

Interesting how in their attempts to look special and unique they all end up looking completely interchangeable

Where you from? Ruhrgebietfag right here

I only have 17 people who've like me... And no matches what am I doing wrong?


Well, i dunno what kind of girls you have but Tinder Thots still visit and fuck me

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Hey Niklas, hattest du mal was mit einer Isabell?

thisjust tell them to ignore the lockdown and come over

thats a man u fuckin homo faggot.


Its so easy right now. They are horny and desperate as fuck. Its a joke

Okay, so I just ignore the good pussy I fucked last week?

why is mary verified

Thats tinder in 2020.

Tinder is not 2012-2014 anymore.

you can say the same about both sexes to be fair, at least where i live
im trying but my game isn’t good enough to persuade them, not even the low tier chicks

I've gotten a few matches since this has started. I don't mind meeting up because my immune system is God tier. But they all live 10+ miles away. I'd rather jerk to hentai and get back to my other tasks

Pro Tip: Ignore Thots with Insta Name in their description


>tfw no tinder matches cus I'm black
Even my manlet Chinese bros get matches

Most girls don't like to fuck with animals

>my game isn’t good enough to persuade them
tinder is 90% looks. They just dont want to go over to your place

Checked quads of truth

Did you come up with that yourself? Aren't you a clever one

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Fuck bros, how do I get good pics of myself if I cant go outside, cant do fun-looking activities and cant be around large groups?


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I know, right? No back to the barn with you

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>Play Animal Crossing with me?

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kinda onions but anything works if you look good

of course the tinder thread is gonna fucking blow up. Y'all need to chill the fuck out tinder is a useless cesspool. focus on your goals and ignore subhuman retards

im the guy with 1250ish matches so looks arent the problem

translation: I have no personality, please fuck me, I'm desperate.


Nothing wrong with checking thots for sex, just dont overuse it

That explains the amount of decent chicks
here are too many sandniggers to use it properly..
Rest is underage or fat

What would you change? I'm kinda baby face? And basically manlet

>ignore dating apps
>never meet girls irl
You just want all the pussy to yourself, dont you? No one meets in real life first anymore. This is the future.

fucking kek that's cringy as fuck. Just post a shirtless pic with no bio lmao

Dubs faggots

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post pic

Do you blame everything on being black? Why isn't because you're ugly or dumb or something?


Still cutting, shirtless isn't really an option still look like a fatass

Niggers 101

cringed so hard I lost part of my basedness for good

This female has a penis

why are you fat lol?

cope and have sex



most girls in düsseldorf are stuck up superficial thots who are also pretty stuck up so no idea how to interact with them lol

ramona flowers ruined a whole generation of women

What do I change it to


sex is for hedonist degenerates.

Or how about having the confidence to ask someone out in public?

>t. makes the "my gf broke up with me after 4 months how do I cope" threads and the jannies let it slide bc "muh self improvement" or some shit
nigga shut the fuck up lmao.
bro just delete it. no bio.

Underage drinking is illegal, retard UNMATCHED

bro I am (was) in this cycle of working and hanging out with the same friends, how am I supposed to meet girls otherwise

"hello yess can you do the opening of your vachina/poosi please I am being in the horny and I am wanting to do the sexing with you in the house."

white girls doe

>American girls*

Fix'd for you

post face alt right baby

A friend of mine said using Tinder was 'kind of pathetic', but honestly, how the hell do you meet women easily nowadays outside of dating apps

Lmao this niggas lying

Lol I put my location in ddorf because I was bored. Not German (do speak broken German). Hot women there, I gotta say.


Ok no more bio, any picture ideas? I kind of look like an eboy but fatter

>ignore dating apps
>never meet girls irl
Sounds ok to me.