How is this for a home PPL split?

>db bench press
>db overhead press
>tricep extension
>db swings

>chin up
>one arm db row

>goblet squat
>calf raises
>farmers walk

Attached: 1580909791819.jpg (720x691, 29.88K)

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that cat is cute

WTF is this cat real??

no, but this one is

Attached: 1587353002027.gif (280x280, 3.6M)

Seems kind of lazy to be honest. Add 2 more to each day. Pushups chair dips rows towel rows dumbbell RDL

hehe stocky cat

i just really hate DB deadlifts, can I just do weighted lunges or bench step ups and call it a day

Attached: bbbbbb.jpg (641x588, 19.63K)

Is this cat proof that strength=aesthetics?

no, this one is

Attached: 1572109726078.jpg (1065x1064, 103.59K)

id say youre not targeting obliques and all of your triceps as much, also try and do something like facepulls for your upper back. other than that it seems pretty good

Very aesthetic cat, but are those manlet legs really that effective when hunting mice?

came for the cat, absolute qt

i would unironically kill every piece of shit who breeds disformed cats like this
ohh i can picture it now cutting off their fucking legs and laughing in their face as they bleed out

How can I do facepulls at home with no machine?

Turn it into a two days routine by splitting the leg exercises between the Push and Pull days. There's no point dedicating an entire day to just 3 exercises

>There's no point dedicating an entire day to just 3 exercises
I just really fucking hate legs user.
Though I guess it looks less lazy.

Attached: drerg.png (789x834, 1.27M)

That's why it's better to do one or two leg exercise each day than having an entire day dedicated to legs.

How's this?

>db incline press
>flat db press
>chest flyes
>overhead press
>side lateral raise

>bent over row
>T-Bar Row
>Standing db curl
>Incline db curl
>hanmer curls

>front squat
>bulgarian split squat
>Calf raise
>Weighted situps
>russian twist
>ab roller

Attached: 1587837391308.gif (495x525, 2.36M)

looks good

Sit in a chair and grab a small plate with each hand. Make it so that your torso and abs touch your quads. Just raise your hands in a similar motion while holding the plates, kind of like you would with a machine or resistance bands.

Now I really want a cat

Attached: 4c180c070cfd13a3196c2f1e33d70468.jpg (610x481, 65.2K)

munchkin cats are prone to lordosis because their cute little short legs aren't strong enough to support their spine which bends and puts pressure on the heart and lungs. it's the thot of cats.

Jack of all trade, master of none routine. While you'll hit every muscle groups properly, you'll never make any significant amount of progress in each lift unless you spend 3h a day at the gym to perform a proper amount of sets with a decent amount of rest time inbetween.
If I was you I'd cut out one or two exercises each day to avoid spending hours at the gym yet still ending up being undertrained in every single lift.

Not to mention the risk of injuries that exist when you train deadlift two days in a row and then add some front squat, Romanian split squats and some abwheel on top of that in a single day. I'd suggest removing those and doing some sumo deadlift and some rack pulls deadlift on day C instead

Srry for day C I don't actually do deadlifts but for some reason I added that on there. I don't have a rack but I'll incorporate def try the Sumo deadlift. What about the push routine? What am I lacking there?


i want a cat so bad but i'd be afraid of it getting on my condo balcony

Cats aren't suicidal madmen, you know

they like to explore a lot tho. its super easy to get on the ledge and i pretty much live in a wind tunnel

Your routine isn't lacking anything. I'm just afraid you'll end up rushing exercise from exercise because there just so many exercises that you can't afford to spend much time on a single one.

just do rear delt flies

user i'm in a similar situation but have cat already. My kitty loves hanging out on the balcony. I blocked off the railing with a kind of mesh fabric that is so thin you can't really see it unless you're close (so it doesn't block the view) but keeps kitty from getting out. He can still climb up onto the railing so i can't leave him unattended, but if i'm out there i can always grab him before he gets up and potentially escapes.

my one cat use to get on the edge rail of the stairs, she thought she was so cool then one day I woke up to her screaming because she fell and was grabbing on for dear life. Thankfully the drop wasn't that tall though.

do you have a link to this mesh?

I think its basically like this stuff:

i attach it to the railing in various places with black string or wire to keep it up and keep it secure

oh and forgot to mention it's vulnerable around the corners where it's not as secure so i block those areas with something heavy that the cat can't push out of the way