/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

>Anons seethe about Louie and his glad gang of greatness edition

>How to The Press with Big Boy
youtu.be/_3VY0ObU90Y [Open]

>How to Bench Press with Scott Mendelsons
youtu.be/TCBAJoQvms8 [Open]

>How to squat with Chris Duffin
youtu.be/U5zrloYWwxw [Open]

>How to deadlift with Chris Duffin
youtu.be/oiDczs9j75E [Open]

Additional videos and reading on benching, squatting, deadlifting, bands, accessories, etc., can be found in the pastbin.

>The official pastebin

Check the pastebin for /PLG/'s collection of programs that are all confirmed to be shit.

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threadly reminder that weightlifting is fun and you should try it

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>Smolov Jr

How can anyone hate Louie and Westside? I genuinely don't understand it, just like don't do Westside if you don't like it.

His performance at worlds was so sad. He needs to hang it up

yeah should have retired after he got popped. Seeing his decline was worse than seeing his medals revoked. I think with a lot of these guys there's just nothing left to them anymore, most have never even been to high school.

Louie has blown out Rip in pretty much every way possible. I don't think its even possible to be this delusional and compare the two. This is like claiming LeBron or Manning are GOAT

At least he still has his world records. Pretty sure he's the only guy to ever win a world champion at three different weight classes (real weight classes, not just realignments) and the 105 total record

ilys did nothing wrong and fridge ilya is best ilya. it did seem like he was getting somewhere in December. Andrei aryamnov has had success with his comeback. i think the lighter weightclass is whats really killing him

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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there's a lot of debate as to who is the GOAT but it's probably Ilya, yeah. Are you sure the WRs are still valid?

his tek has been atrocious since he retired though, I think something broke mentally

I am a sexy biatch

I'm going to lift until he loves me reeeee

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>Visible ab line

>there's a lot of debate as to who is the GOAT but it's probably Ilya
I wouldn't go that far
>Are you sure the WRs are still valid?
He set them outside of the olympics (aside from 94kg cnj) so they should be. Wikipedia still lists them
>his tek has been atrocious since he retired though, I think something broke mentally
His wife left him for an indian

oh wow, what a fucking catastrophe.

>His wife left him for an indian
lmao is this the same wife who ditched Sedov for him? fucking lol

Good gpp routine for powerlifters?

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>something broke mentally
i could see that ss a definite possibility
>His wife left him for an indian
and that could have been the final blow

whatever you think is fun and taxes you in new ways. I'm learning how to do sprints, pistol squats and handstand pushups

normally I'd say GPP is overrated and to just do cardio but we haven't got much choice atm

Wait, I may have been mistaken. Apparently there are a lot of Natalya Ilina's from Kazakhstan. His wife definitely left him though

I’ve kinda just been doing farmers walks and sand bag carrys for gpp but I am looking for ways to mix it up

plyo, balance stuff/gymnastics, etc
or watch some of rosstraining's ig vids, he gets up to some fun stuff

doubles and hankel gets banned from fitbic

Nice, thanks

Considering where I was...

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Threadly, but non-spamming, clearly relevant, specifically on topic, greatly informative, 100% sincere and not trolling, high quality, non-avatar-fagging, and otherwise rule abiding reminder for you unlifting user CHODEs to post body/lifts and get a trip, and that the Coronavirus - AKA the Shanghai Shivers, AKA the Communist Cold, AKA the WuFlu, AKA the Nanking Pneumonia, AKA the Beijing Bronchitis, AKA General Tso's Sicken - is a hoax with a fatality rate about 0.2%.. This is the only way anyone will believe anything you have to say about anything. And only if you demonstrate at least one of the following:
>A squat in excess of both 2.5 times bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A deadlift in excess of both 2.5 time bodyweight AND 500 lbs
>A bench press in excess of both 1.5 times bodyweight AND 350 lbs
>A The Press in excess of both body weight AND 220.462 lbs
>A body that Yas Forums won't roundly criticize (good fucking luck)
If you can't manage at least one of these, shut the fuck up, go to the gym, and try harder.

Thank you.

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UPDATED LIST OF PLG APPROVED ACRONYMS (Arcane Ciphers Of Never Yielding Muscularity), Part 1. Post, but don't spam, in every thread.

>GDE (Genetic Dead End)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.

>HANK (Hambuilt Asian, Non-Kompetitive)
Obese Asian manlet with a baby carrot penis. Doesn't compete, doesn't even lift, and is insanely jealous of those who do. LARPs as a BONER to cope.

>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.

>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)
Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.

>CHODE (Communist Homo Of Dick Eating)
Angry, godless little postmodernists who secretly loathe strong, masculine men who won't fuck their boybutt. Some transition into ugly rat faced pedos, others defend said CHODES. Also known as PHAGs (Projecting Homo Ass Goblins)

>TCHAD (Tries Consistently Hard All Day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.

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Part 2:
>UFO (Under Fed Organism)
Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.

>user (Anonymous Nard Obtusely Nattering)
A noodlebuilt little wuss of a human. Hobbies include LARPing as someone who actually lifts and not posting body/lifts. Can be safely disregarded in all matters.

>SUMO (SUbhuman MOron)
Too stupid and/or genetically deficient to just bend over and pick something up. Copes through a combination of clowning half reps and eating butt.

>PLAGUE (PowerLarder Absent Generally Useful Equipment)
Communists shut his gym down. Now he lifts weights made out of random shit he put together from the Home Depot in a cow pasture while plotting his vengeance.

>COVID (Coofing Oriental Very Infectious Dicksucker)
Mentally and emotionally deficient Chinaman who unleashed the Shangai Sniffles on the world in order to close gyms and rob The Lifting of their gains, out of sheer jealousy that he could never be the caliber of human they are. Thinks bats = lunch.

>CUCC (Cuckold Uninjured Crying Canadian)
Identify as injured, without medical diagnosis. Trans-herniated. Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc. They wanted an excuse to quit.

He's got weird fat distribution and hidden dyel legs as a result

weightlifting is the ultimate volem sport

you delude yourself thinknig technique is key and spend your time fucking around trying to emulate lifters rather than getting stronger

hence why 99% of olyshitters are weak as fk


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it is key, but that doesn't mean you can't simultaneously improve technique and get strong. Delusion and volemism only sets in when someone thinks they're mutually exclusive

competent long term programming alternates between heavy squats/pulls and low intensity classics, and heavy classics and low volume squats/pulls
