Why does Bugez physique shit on every roiders?

Why does Bugez physique shit on every roiders?

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I'm not gonna accuse him cuz I don't know but I wanna hear the case that he's a fake natty


He had a 55" vertical jump in college and got a full ride scholarship for wrestling to Wisconsin (one of the top wrestling schools). His senior year he was top 10 in the nation. He is very genetically gifted and also works out multiple times a day

>55" vertical jump

because hes been lifting for like 15 years


also garlic, choccie moo moo, and home gym lifestyle

World record is 63.5"

Yea that's bull

World record is 63.5"

>still thinks bugez is natty


not saying his juicing as hard as actual bodybuilders juice, but he has been test/dbol for since at least his 20s

just running shit for strength/bloat

Seething fraudster

He had a video of it a long time ago, I'll try to find it. It was from his wrestling program like youtube.com/watch?v=19i30GziSq8

Nothing about his physique looks even remotely unatural. Try lifting weights and being consistent for 10+ years.

This board is pathetic. I'm convinced 95% of posters here don't even lift.

SeeYou’re the same type of normie faggots that think Karelin was natural because “he work so hard for so long” “anything is possible cause I’m a fucking child”. The fact that he made a video about staying natty and the “glory” that is brings AFTER he admitted using PEDs in college says all that you need to know. Take your cringe reddit youtuber back to wherever you came from. FUCK you Eric we know you lurk here sometimes and we know you continue to shill yourself

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Why can't you make gains? Just shitty genes or not enough money for drugs or what?

Nobody is buying your underdosed preworkout or bad designed t shirts. Stop posting on the board about yourself

>This board is pathetic. I'm convinced 95% of posters here don't even lift.

Im convinced you dont even lift, or youre a noob-gains phase 1st year lifter, if you actually think hes natty.

Post body

Because he eats more and trains better than them. His conventional lifts aren’t unrealistic for someone who has been training as long and as hard as he has. I’ve been training for 10 years and understand, all these new low T lifters don’t get it.

>I’ve been training for 10 years and understand, all these new low T lifters don’t get it.

Post your "10 years lifting" body

Post body

t. had noob gains his first year and thinks that natty gains work linearly instead of as a decaying exponential function

post body

Lmao keep ignoring the contrast Eric
Good thing you deleted almost all of your videos so you can keep making new people think that you’re hitting PRs

Attached: C7331D2A-2980-4612-B176-002F151337EF.gif (184x245, 236.22K)

Im going to try this pose out tomorrow to see if I can get my chest to pop out like that.
Usually the pecs aren't Eric's strong point but my good friend Rik's got them looking juicy there.

>People's gains shouldn't change after years of training
Not everyone follows your plan

>Good thing you deleted almost all of your videos so you can keep making new people think that you’re hitting PRs
Thanks for watching

How can you have 55" vertical leap genetics and never AA

>95% of posters here don't even lift.
More like 98,674%

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Bugez is literally in the top 0.00001% genetically for lifting. You'll never look like him. No autist who started lifting a couple of years ago after being bullied in highschool is gonna look the same as a gifted Danish-American top tier college wrestler


Based fake-bugez-poster