I literally eat till i burst every breakfast (probably 2500+ calories)

I literally eat till i burst every breakfast (probably 2500+ calories)
Then when i feel like eating again i eat till i nearly puke (it feels good) about 5 hours after breakfast

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based fatty

On that bulking grind

Your gluttony is perverted and disturbing, post body.

I understand that it feels good in the moment to engage in these habits, but have you considered perhaps that simply refraining from eating so much might possibly make you feel better in the long term, and in turn give you a longer lasting and more complete sense of happiness?

is this like an eating disorder thing or are u just super fit

ITT low TDEE fags

t. fat idiot

Damn I only see degenerates on fit. "how do I stop eating how do i stop cooming how do i start working out" Used to be like you, at least I'm trying to change. Still have some problems with alcohol and caffeine, but I'm on day 5 of nofap at least.

>falling for the nofap meme

You are equally as bed as any of the idiots you've just mentioned.

Nofap isn’t a meme idk how much of the effects of not fapping are but actively doing no gap builds self discipline and makes it so you accomplish a goal consistently
Good for learned helplessness, but it’s benefits prolly aren’t from not jerking off

Actual nonsense.

You are just another mentally weak idiot.

There's still the biggest argument about nofap which no one has an answer for, and that means I am right.
The question is, if testosterone makes you horny, and nofap makes you horny as well, how can you say it doesn't increase test? And if fapping makes you not horny anymore, how can you say it doesn't decrease test? Dwell on this one, pumpkin head.

You are either about 12 years old or genuinely mentally retarded.

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This is the brainpower of the kids doing nofap, ladies and gentlemen.

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You're sitting on thin land my friend, your ground is about to break and the decieved by you becoming dissilusioned and see that I am right, what you gonna do? Make your move, cumhead. My argument stand strong.

If you're not baiting and you're retarded, it's because correlation doesn't imply causation

Not nonsense lol I don’t do nofap either but I can see how it can be beneficial
Not doing something you really want to do builds self discipline, gives you a sense of accomplishment and a sense of control
Feeling like your taking active steps to combat your mental illness/shitty things in your life helps beat learned helplessness

:( me too, ive gone from 105 to 135lbs :( binge eating fucking sucks

>he said "not wanking gave him self discipline"
lmao, what a mental midget

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I know it doesn't, but thing is that testosterone is the only thing that can make someone horny, if you say not fapping isn't the cause, then say what causes it. You can't, because there are no other sex hormones in a man that makes him horny you dipshit, nofap makes you horny because of the testosterone, if not, prove me wrong instead of using the retard correlation and causation argument which doesn't even fit in this case.

Imagine being as dumb as this guy.

Just imagine it.

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I don’t do nofap I’m just trying to understand other people’s perspective

I think libido is more then just male hormone bro

You're mad because you can't go more than a couple of hours without masturbating lmfao LOLOLOL XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Ahahahahaha i can already smell the sweat of this keyboard warrior

>he said "It takes a lot of mental strength not to masturbate"

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that wasn’t him and I’m not saying that I’m literally just saying it takes self discipline to not do a pleasurable action even tho u have a ton of urges too

Based retard

if this were the case than bodybuilders would be ultimate coomers. Test isn't the only thing that effects libido.