Post historical Chads

Post historical Chads.

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hahaha that's what happens when nazis jail actual chads instead of starving diseased inbred jews.

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lord rex kruger viking chad the 3rd who sniped 60 millions of bad guys on a bridge while his balls were stabbed from below by the russian bear they raised from a baby that carried ammo for the troooos
see that viking chad was such a hero bro that he totally defended all his other bros as they ran away from the bridge while he got stabbed in the nuts.
v brave we wont forget viking bro 9/11

the "morning leader" must have had plenty of articles on the benefits of mewing and not mouth breathing.

>facebook caption
Kill yourself

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Henry Milo Steinborn, the former strongest man in the world, and credited with making the barbell squat very popular.

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>and that christian's name?
albert einstein.

>Henry Steinborn was born in Siegburg, Germany in 1893. Not much is known about his upbringing, but Steinborn's introduction to training came in the most unlikely place imaginable- he learned to lift in the four and half years he was Australian prisoner of war after he was captured in World War I (Strossen 5,8). Life in post-war Germany fucking blew- inflation was through the roof as the Germans were saddled with massive reparations payments, and life for Steinborn basically consisted of trying to make a buck by entertaining people with his lifting. Unlike the modern, communist, vegan, skinny jean clad Germans, early 20th Century Germans spent their evenings in the pub, in the back of which were were barbells so the men who'd spent all day shoveling coal or hauling pig iron in a factory could get hammered and test each other in drunken feats of strength (Strossen 5).

what the fuck his torso is missing the bottom half.

what a beautiful society.

This can’t be real

>nobodies who did circus tricks

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What a strange squatting technique. Why is he not pushing his thighs out?

this is the biggest bullshit story i ever heard and it makes no sense if you stop to think about it

people didn't really have a concept of proper mechanics or how to reinforce technique and balance out musculature.
a lot of old timey strength training was just maxing out a few times a week and walking a bunch

And then everyone on the bus clapped

thomas topham
victor delamarre

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What kind of crack have you been smoking? You do realise most of the old timeys have training journals and written strength manuals, some you can find for free online. I have far from read them all but have not seen one yet that shows maxing out a few timed and then going for a walk lol!

>gigachad vs basedjak posting is centuries old

Ave true to caesar

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The virgin tyrannosaurus rex vs. the Chad Fredericus Rex

Funny thing is that the people who post this all look like the right.

Shit form dough


Nigga looks shredded as fuark

>taking a website called chaosandpain at face value

Clint Walker, old cowboy actor

2 meters tall(6'6"), massive frame, jet black nw1(norwood 1) hair, light blue eyes, massive skull, very high class bones structure but still robust as fuck. That chest hair, that forearm hair, that barrel ribcage, that healthy bodyfat, these long limbs, these body proportions. Classic robust corn-fed american chad. Massive frame, 10" thick wrists. Masculine as fuck, very handsome face. Giant frame.

Clint Walker lived to 90, which is rare among men so tall. He had a huge torso, which suggests excellent heart and lungs. My own theory is that the best predictor of longevity is a high ratio of thorax size to body weight. Long-lived people tend to be big-chested without also being fat. Thank fuck men like him don't exist anymore....the mog would be too much. He is pure masculinity. Being in his presence whilst in his prime would probably cause me to have deep depression and possibly even spontaneous suicide.

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worth a read, this guy is chaos incarnate

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Maximum power level shown when removed skin

Based. Thanks. I've seen him in the dirty dozen.
So you also know who the betty is?

seethe more faggot

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a lot of old hockey players are omega chads

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This, his wikipedia page is just one big "citation needed"

>using your strength to dominate men and have sex with them.
moar like Yas Forums incarnate, amirite?

>Post-War Germany
>Germans were supposedly manly
>what is the Weimar Republic

Fuck that's creepy,real or not

Alas, though not having been present in his time, he has in fact turned you gay.

>Publius Horatius Cocles was an officer in the army of the early Roman Republic who famously defended the Pons Sublicius from the invading army of Etruscan King Lars Porsena of Clusium in the late 6th century BC, during the war between Rome and Clusium. By defending the narrow end of the bridge, he and his companions were able to hold off the attacking army long enough to allow other Romans to destroy the bridge behind him, blocking the Etruscans' advance and saving the city.
>Three Romans now defended the Pons Sublicius; the right wing's commanders Spurius Lartius and Titus Herminius Aquilinus, plus Publius Horatius Cocles, a junior officer "on guard at the bridge when he saw the Janiculum taken by a sudden assault and the enemy rushing down from it to the river ...."[5]
>The three defenders withstood sword and missile attacks until the Roman troops had all crossed.[6]

>Battle of stamford Bridge Chad
>The sudden appearance of the English army caught the Norwegians by surprise.[14] Their response was to deploy rapidly in a defensive circle.[citation needed] If the Norwegians were located at Battle Flats, there is no good explanation as to why they deployed into this formation. However, if they were located on the east side of the Derwent, the deployment made perfect sense. By the time the bulk of the English army had arrived, the Vikings on the west side were either slain or fleeing across the bridge. The English advance was then delayed by the need to pass through the choke-point presented by the bridge itself. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle has it that a giant Norse axeman (possibly armed with a Dane Axe) blocked the narrow crossing and single-handedly held up the entire English army. The story is that this axeman cut down up to 40 Englishmen and was defeated only when an English soldier floated under the bridge in a half-barrel and thrust his spear through the planks in the bridge, mortally wounding the axeman.[15]

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