Barbell movements are all you need.
When you read his book you are automatically the smartest person in your gym.
Barbell movements are all you need.
When you read his book you are automatically the smartest person in your gym.
Other urls found in this thread:
What's your cup size?
a 315 lb squat won't get you laid, but a 225 lb bench will
>Barbell movements are all you need.
Maybe, but that doesn't mean they're all you should do.
>When you read his book you are automatically the smartest person in your gym.
Most of his advice is pretty retarded. His only opinion that you should listen to is that the basis of your program should be with barbells
what happens if you read SS at a crossfit "box"?
who's the smartest then?
normies only care about how much you bench and how big your biceps are
a skinny/somewhat overweight guy can get pretty strong (neural gains, not really mass) even on maintenance/slight cut well into the intermediate stage
you only need 0.8 g/lb of protein a day. 1 gram is for roiders
cardio won't kill your gains
All crossfitters are morons
unfortunate that the human body can withhold so much to the point where people are fully cabable of Deadlifting 3-4 times their body weight completely naturally yet people waste that time trying to get "shredded as fuark for zyzz" while listening to hardstyle and taking a post-gym pump pic to upload on their fitness instagrams.
More redipills:
Calisthenics and resistance bands are all you need.
Retard, if you run SS as the book states, without getting cute, you WILL get strong. When you can no longer add fahve lbs per workout, transition to the Texas Method, where you will now set a PR set of fahve every Friday, and do fahve sets of fahve at 90% of Friday's weight on Monday. If you do these simple things, for two years, as detailed in Starting Strength, as well as Practical Programming for Strength Training 3rd edition, you will Squat 600lbs Bench 400lbs and Pull 650lbs. You're a pussy, go back to Brooklyn with your Marxist gender dance theory faggot boyfriend, cuck.
Yes but I lift to look good. Not to be a fat slob who fell for the meme
>If you do these simple things, for two years
>Bench 400lbs and Pull 650lbs.
two things Mark himself never achieved
Rip only reached one of those, and that was in single-ply while taking steroids.
His lifetime PRs are pretty impressive considering he competed at 220lbs. 611.7 squat, 396.8 bench, 633.8 deadlift
t. Fatass powerlarper who can't bench press more than 1pl8
That's equipped and on roids. For a lifetime of training that really isn't impressive. Guys who weight 220 are totalling upwards of 2000 raw these days
You've never used equipment, let alone single-ply from the 1980s, so I'm curious how much you think he got out of it
I know he got more out of it than if he had competed raw
No, Rippetoe is a mediocre coach. There are many better sources to learn from, from more accomplished people.
*periodises your mesocycles in your path*
Actual redpill
Read A book and you're the smartest person most places.
Actually neither will get you laid, unless you're into men.
Women don't care how much you lift.
No one cares about normies.
when you read his book you'll have the highest bodyfat % in your gym
No he is a good coach. He is a bad programmer
I've seen better chest gains during this lockdown doing dumbell floor presses and flys than I have with barbell training this past 3 months. Its hitting my triceps too
225 lb bench is dyel
t. 225x5, still dyel
Final redpill