This has been bothering me for a long time Yas Forums. He looks off to me in this pic...

This has been bothering me for a long time Yas Forums. He looks off to me in this pic. There's something weird about his physique, but I can't put my finger on it.

Attached: hemsworth.jpg (1034x858, 115.17K)

No lats/ab insertions are weird.

He has thin bones

Pants and the way he’s holding his head forward

Wide hips, small forearms

FtM trannies all have that uncanny look to them.

Yall talking shit but women cream themselves to this pic

>thin wrists
>wide hips
>no legs
he still mogs 99.99% of Yas Forums tho

His ab insertions are wide and he isn't as jacked as he was in the first movie to offset it.

Attached: chris-hemsworth-shirtless-11-glorious-gifs-because-you-deserve-i[1].gif (696x696, 3.59M)

Wtf os an insertion?

He is so good looking it is unattractive

the way a muscle attaches to the bones.
Basically the shape/length of a muscle.
For example, if you flex you biceps, you'll see that the muscle can have different lengths.
pic related

Attached: r7dRJsr.jpg (2228x1431, 824.04K)

Hes tall. Youre used to seeing manlets here.

Which bicep insertion is better?

Left usually.

Which one is stronger

basically just refers to the way the muscle connects to the body and determines their shape

thicker waist and smaller chest

for bodybuilding competitions: right
for everyone else: left

The muscles of the obliques, Adonis belt, below the belt button are too thick and it looks kinda weird.

blocky hips

The area between his pecs and abs

Small bulge

Left give the appearence that your arms is fuller (muscle on the whole length of the arm)
Right give you more of a peak
It comes down to personal preference but most people like left more. There are succesful pros with both left and right.
Left is stronger since you pack on more muscle but honestly it's probably irrelevant next to other factors

Hemsworth trains how everyone in Hollywood except Sly, Dwayne Johnson and Batista trains:

No heavy back exercises, cause danger of injury, no squats cause legs aren't the camera focus and essentially just cardio, curls, chest exercises and roids.

Looks like CGI

Is there any way to achieve the left? Will continued training achieve this and lengthen the bicep or is it solely the insertion

he looks good here because of his lats
maybe it's just the angle but he looks too narrow and his torso looks too long
still good, we're only nitpicking because we browse a taiwanese new wave cycling leaflet but it is what it is

>Chest, lats, core, shoulders
Where were you when you realized arms are irrelevant

Do you alll think he was on steroids here? If so how heavy?

Mid section disproportionately large compared to upper body and legs.