What's Yas Forums's favorite dirt cheap protein meals?

Who can realistically eat eggs for every meal during the day? Not me. What are some of your favorite go to protein meals that are dirt cheap and can still help you achieve gainzzz?

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Sardines and lentils



pork ribs and loin, and dont @ me with the saturated fat meme.

Whey protein

deens salad when I'm cutting/for a snack
Braised lentils with cheap pork and offal and a shitton of mirepoix
Omlets in the evening, usually with smoked cheese or spinach

ground meat cooked in a pan and add taco seasoning, and throw in some vegetables to make a taco salad

I make salmon patties out of canned salmon. Just beat an egg, add the canned salmon, add some breadcrumbs/something to bind it, some onion, and some chives.

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Tuna and peas is good, but not on the same level.

chipotle bowl
$7, 88 g protein, plenty of carbs too, 1000 calories

I eat them on a cut

just a bunch of cooked chicken breasts with BBQ sauce on top of them

this shit is delicious

add some regular potatoes to it for extra taste

canned tuna

I'm eating 4 1/2 (135g) scoops since chicken prices became retarded

That sounds tasty user. I think I'll try that sometime soon

>eggs and ramen
>rip up a chicken breast and throw it in one of those ready made bags of salad
>canned ham,chicken or tuna with a bunch of mayo and coarse mustard mixed into it
>just chugging milk

That's all I got anons

chickpeas and lentils
good thread anons this is very helpful

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Oatmeal n' peanut butterâ„¢

My mom would make these constantly. She would make a dip out of mayo, lemon,and curry powder. So fucking good

i just use protein powder
its probably the cheapest protein out there in terms of size and amount of protein you get

please don't get mercury poisoning user

24oz walmart store-brand cottage cheese:
480 total calories
72g protein
actually doesn't even taste bad.

How many cans of tuna can I eat without dying like a chinaman from mercury poisoning?

Asking for a friend who eats 5-6 tins a week

Small curd Walmart brand masterrace. I eat 5 of those a month

It depends on what kind of tuna.

Fuck i wish we have chipotle here

Canned white albacore tuna

Braised lentils with mirepoix is my go to side for any meat (I also add sundried tomatoes to it). Literally goes with anything. Good taste user.

That's $210 a month for one meal. That's not cheap you bozo.

yum yums

Lentils and eggs

Peanut butter sandwich

Rice milk

You anons with your lentils xD. Going to have a go with it though and see what the fuss is all about.

Every night I make a protein shake containing a dozen eggs and I drink about a third of that at each meal the next day. Based