Why wont my damn hips lose their fat? I spend hours on the treadmill...

Why wont my damn hips lose their fat? I spend hours on the treadmill. Is it stress and poor sleep or do i just need to keep up cardio and deficit for another year?

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Nature-Made-Calcium-Magnesium-Vitamin/dp/B000OD1F7U/ref=sr_1_19?dchild=1&keywords=vitamin d and calcium&qid=1588119471&sr=8-19

btw i have something called kleinfelters

if that's you in the pic op... u might as well become a tran

1. You're a filthy wop
2. You look like you've never run a mile in your life

You aren't actually low bf, you just have non-standard fat distribution.
You are skinnyfat right now, bulk up or lose weight

You look like shit
I would suggest bulking first or you'll look like auchwitz mode by the time you get cut
Which you'd achieve by staying in calorific deficit and training harder - treadmill work will likely not be as effective as proper strength training
As for hip fat - this is partially genetic and partially hormonally determined (estrogen will promote it)

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However lean you think you are, you can add another 10lbs at least to that

Keep losing weight chubster or start transitioning

Too much cardio is actually counter intuitive. The more you become condtioned for it the less calories you'll burn. Your diet is probably shit and you're probably not counting your calories properly or have miscalculated your TDEE.

Thanks guys is roasting me really necessary? For clarification i used to be a lardass. I have bi polar and severe anxiety and depression so im certain my hormones are fucked. Does that mean it is impossible or will snake oil and hard work save me from being a power bottom? Also my ancestry is scottish

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Visceral fat is stubborn, especially if you eat a SAD.

If you have not gone ketogenic, there's your problem.

Once you are fat adapted it stupid easy to burn fat from everywhere.

Do a carnivore diet. You'll probably still have bitch hips, but you'll lose the fat around them for sure.

Stupid advice, from a stupid user.

Necessary? Not sure. You have the lower body equivalent of gyno though and I wanna give you shit for it

Yeah thats fair its fucken hilarious but at least give some helpful advice too

This is Yas Forums, hyper chads get roasted, it's board culture.
Lurk more

Yeah fair enough. So what im thinking is take some snake oils for adrenal glands, diet pills and a tea fast before rebooting into a keto diet. Then sticking to calisthenics because no gym, what do anons think?

dont listen to other anons the way to fix this is simple, insecure ppl love putting ppl who post body pics down without actually posting their body pics themselves
you just need to burn your BF and excercise more, do some planks and other core excercise and avoid foods high in fat, try and eat a protein rich diet
cardio is good but try and vary your excercise regiment, lifting can increase T and burn fat, swimming if you can, etc. a pullup bar is really good for working the core and burning fat and is overall just a good excercise to do
running outside is better then running on a treadmill cus of hills and other shit
try to do some squats as well
if you want to really increase gainz try and use some suppliments for testorone, not JUICE like vitamins and shit, vitamin D, zinc and calcium are proven to increase test
vitamin d alone increases test by 50%
i use this amazon.com/Nature-Made-Calcium-Magnesium-Vitamin/dp/B000OD1F7U/ref=sr_1_19?dchild=1&keywords=vitamin d and calcium&qid=1588119471&sr=8-19 but this is optional, and not really needed, just good if you want to MAX out your gainz
just remember that any progress you make is good, you uste to weight more and your been losing it, be happy about that

You have the exact same body as Marlon Brando in Apocalypse now.
Above average to normies, will get you roasted talked on Yas Forums

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No pills no bullshit gland oil just listen to this user

Honestly all that shit is fad diet tier pseudo science.
Eat 1,500 calories a day, drink lots of water, aim for 1 gram protein per lb of body weight, and lift often.

You have fat in places of your body that you don't want it. The solution is to lose fat. Anything else is overthinking it.

forget to mention that magnesium also provides a good boost to test, that combo is basically perfect for test
testosterone is good for replacing fat with muscle and building muscle
muscle also uses more calories then fat which in turn burns fat and means excess calories are less likely to be turned to fat
you got this user

but yeah overall the KEY is to just excercise and have a good diet with low fat, dont need any keto shit

That's not Marlon Brando

Thanks brothers ill give the vitamins and peasant diet a go and give an update in a month or two

Low testosterone skeletal structure and non robust build

Dont worry most people have shitty genes for bodybuilding and body structure

I'm absolutely furious that you thought that was Marlon Brando

Why do you look so smug?

He probably didn't take 80 pics contorting his face in different ways until he found the optimal glare for the basket weaving freaks.

I own the same pair of shorts, are you Australian?

Build abdominal and back muscle and become fridge mode to mog everyone

Sounds like a lot of bullshit. Just count your calories and eat below maintenance.

Yeah im aus

If you believe in magic pills and retarded oils you're not gonna make it

>Also my ancestry is scottish
That's what all the dagos say
