Cum migraine

Has anyone ever experienced sex headaches? Ever since last week I have been experiencing the most intense and piercing pain in my head seconds before I was about to nut. How do I stop this? I want to shoot hot cum

Attached: headache-008.jpg (1080x720, 88.13K)

I'm post op trans by the way if it matters

This is NOT true! This person is posing as me, the Original Poster! This person is telling lies. As a matter of fact I am a white heterosexual aryan male

bump because it's important

Yeah, quick hint, it says "headache" in that wikipedia article. You don't have a fucking migraine retard. If you had a migraine you wouldn't be able to look at your monitor.

english is not my first language. to me headaches and migraines are synonyms. What I mean is that I get stabbing pains in the back of my head whenever I am about to shoot cum. This is very peculiar and I wanted to know if anybody else on this chinese cartoons forum had the same experience

also what the fuck makes you think i am having a migraine as i type this you stupid jew mutt

Drink more water and relax your jaw

never experienced but it sounds like a tension headache

are you saying this from experience? did you have the same issue?

Migraines are headaches x10. I sometimes get migraines (haven't in a long time thank God) and when I get them I can't form sentences, can't bear any light, puke every single day for 2 weeks and can't leave bed. I'm pretty sure you're not getting that from not cumming.

what's the solution to that?

They can last for 24 hours and they are very intense. I don't puke (sounds like you have a tumor LOL) but I am not able to function normally

Title made my day thanks op

Move the blocked energy from your head/neck/upper back which is causing tension through stretching, massage and relaxation techniques

shut the fuck up nigger yippie jew

Weird how this whole general could just be one person larping and talking to themselves, and there’s no way anyone can know.

It's called a post coital headache and its physiology is poorly understood. I've had friends with it and apparently keeping very hydrated and drinking more water helps. Also taking a weak painkiller like paracetamol an hour before you know you will have sex helps too. Most likely not a migraine

>Has anyone ever experienced sex
haha i sure have, why do you ask? lol its my favorite cardio haha

I got these when I was quitting caffeine
Debilitating headaches whenever I tried to work out or fap, absolutely excruciating

>18 replies
>9 posters

>quitting caffeine
based, did you manage to?

and then what happened?

where is this information displayed?

yeah I'm clean, no drugs except some herbal infusions
it lasted 2 weeks and then I was fine

Haha you're a faggot.

Bottom of the page newfag

>sounds like you have a tumor LOL
Just for saying something like that, I hope you're mother gets brain cancer and you remember this comment when she does. Fucking dweeb.

I hope allah destroys your house

This happened to me when I was a fat unhealthy fuck and went away whenever I got fit.

you wish! silly

You sound like my ex wife

Attached: chad_boomer_1.png (817x789, 855.85K)

I am skinny and lead a healthy lifestyle