Comments? I feel better, lower back pain is almost gone, improved my posture and I feel better about myself
Doing a brew of reddit's recommended routine and startbodyweight routine. Did this because I had some trouble with some exercises like one legged squats variations or pike pushups. Should I keep the lower-ish cal intake? I really dislike this small belly and want to avoid skinny fat at all costs.
not bad for an auchwitz build keep it up user, you're gonna make it
Adam Price
Julian Bailey
Ty fren someone post the gonna get your feelings hurt pls
I mean I see no difference either and I know 2 months is nothing but where the fuck are my 5 kilos
Caleb Cox
lets be honest here, you're not gonna make it, you're unathletic, havent seen any sport your whole life, you're not just going to make it in a matter of months, it'l take you years to get somewhere, if it is even possible, so keep at it for years, and post pics then, or hop on roids and fuck yourself up forever
Robert Smith
>gaining too much fat You haven't gained shit. Eat. Also, do bodyweight exercises to failure or else you aren't really going to get much actual muscle.
Justin White
this and only this
Jordan James
I have years, no problem I read going for failure every set is not that good, I go for 90% effort on 1 and 2 and by 3 I don't do the failure rep but aim for the one just before failure, ALWAYS KEEPING FORM
James Gutierrez
Your arms look bigger, so does your chest and abdomen. Gotta work harder though.
You should not be cutting, drink at least a glass of milk on top of what you are eating now.
Adam Harris
I don't want to "bulk", I have the patience to gain as clean as possible. Is this a good idea or should I go for the bulk/cut meme?
William Lewis
2months of work my ass this is what 2-3 months looks like
Just become a cute trap, user. It would be easier.
Adam Carter
Not even thinking about cutting, just don't want to gain too much fat, keep as clean as possible. I've seen very small increase in my arms but my chest sure is a lot better, wife also noticed. Again on arms, i replaced pull ups for chin ups hoping for bicep gain
Isaac Campbell
you dont gain weight overnight. if you feel like youre gaining too much just adjust your diet
Adrian Torres
You're doing good bro, progress is progress even if it doesn't seem like much and ignore anyone who's just shitting on you unless they provide something constructive. Since you can't run right now have you tried skipping? It's quite intense cardio but it works nonetheless as well as being quite easy to do indoors unless you're really tall. I assume you're in lockdown as well so you may as well make the most of your time, try watching a TV show and every time it reaches an ad break just do all of your exercises. Obviously if that's too frequent then do it every second ad break. It'll keep you exercising regularly and gives you a simple schedule.
>Sure bro you think im lying? its unironically how long it took me and yes that's me i would even be in way better shape if i wasn't getting drunk 2-3times a week tell me what your workout looks through out the week
Adrian Hill
That's my main question, is 2.5kg a month too much fat? Can muscle build that fast, considering newbie gains? Tried skipping but wasn't really into it, rope is pretty shit material and feels weird as fuck. I am lockdown but i work from home, so no extra free time, i just do my bodyweight 3xweek, about an hour and a half. Also doing stretching everyday but without clear routine or discipline
Brody Nelson
Post starting point and answer yourself about the difference retard
Thomas Gomez
Bad thing is, in order to achieve my cal goals I have to dip into heavy cal foods which are usually a little heavy on fats. My macros are like 50% carbs, 30%fats and 20% proteins, sometimes with a +5%variance on fats. I've tried replacing with more protein but It's both hard to eat and expensive
Samuel Ortiz
seethe more you low tes.t faggot
Alexander Sanchez
Sure bro
Ethan Edwards
post body
Cooper Hill
Like I said drink a glass of milk and while you're at it make yourself an egg sandwich for breakfast with whole wheat toast and avocado, you need to eat like a motherfucking truck every day that you work really hard. Don't forget to fuck your wife and get 8 hours of rest. YOU WILL GET BIGGER I PROMISE
Jason Flores
i already did you fucking faggot
Elijah Roberts
I eat lunch at breakfast. Then I eat lunch at lunch. lol
Nolan Hall
keep it going user remember to push yourself beyond what you think are your limits, and focus on form/execution of your training never give up
Gabriel Green
We all know that's not you darling Ty tripfag, I aim for form over rep count
Joseph Gomez
Try the snake diet user. Death fast if you want, but Cole Robinson is a genius and you’ll drop weight FAST
Noah James
Damn lots of boyz with mass insecurities here lol! If your back is feeling better that's great! Up your calorie intake if you want to get bigger.