They laugh at us because we

They laugh at us because we
>work out everyday
>watch what we eat and count our macros
>follow the word of God
>constantly strive to improve ourselves daily
All meanwhile they indulge in hedonistic lifestyles with no motivation to bring long-term gains to themselves. How do you deal with this?

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Just remind myself that I'm better than everyone and not having friends or a gf doesn't change that

>follow the word of God
don't worry, I laugh at you too

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Do you do this with or without an outward superiority complex?

Well I try not to vocalise it, I like to follow the christian mantra of turn the other cheek.

They laugh at you cause you're a retarded sperg with no social skills and a superiority complex.
Protip, there are jacked guys in almost any Bible study or church who are still respected cause they're not massive failures

>>follow the word of God

Nope, not giving up my financial gains for nonexistent stuff

is protestantism the final redpill?

>follows the word of God
>prides himself on being different from the "normies"
pretty sure the j-man said to be humble, faggot

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They hit the wall we don't.

Cringe buy its ok op we've all been 16 once

No, Orthodoxy is

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l was raised catholic but it didn't stick with me. What's the difference between that and the orthodox church?

I like this guy:

based, thanks user

This is also protestantism

Only in the sense that they're not catholic, but there's a divide between your protestant churches and orthodox churches

like how everyone laughed at your epic german philosopher and treated him like an insane schizo?

No, nordic paganism is

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Go barbar somewhere else, chur.

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Not everyone can be be 5%

Haha you're weird dude. I do cocaine and fuck hot bitches

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You losers don't even have the vast majority of your mythology anymore. May as well worship marduk.

>he follows a jew on a stick

I remember this guy's documentary he lived a cool life. Does anyone know if he's still alive?

Can we not put our differences aside and slaughter the worshipers of the jew kebab? Then we can go back to our feud promise
you don't have your pedo circles anymore cristcuck. Also fuck you guys for ruining our mythos.

Attached: NordicBois.jpg (1011x1024, 374.31K)

Burn the unbelievers

Oh, no, I'm not the dude you've been talking to. New party here, not christian. You're fucking ridiculous, it isn't "your" mythos since you aren't a historical scandy, and even what little we do know about your gods makes them out to be jealous, petty douchebags.


>thinking the stories of the gods weren't spiritual representations of different perfected aspects of masculinity and femininity including the flaws as to show them as extremely influential genius loci rather than the ultimate creator who was deemed too unfathomable by our ancestors which insinuates us in an unascended state and therefore we must work on achieving what we can as lowly humans. Also believing these core beliefs weren't shared by all of Europe because they used different names for the gods in different regions
Not the guy you responded to but go get an aids test you giant fag

Interested in the man too