So i can lift 10 pounds easy like 20 times in the side delt raise. but if i try to go up to 15 i cant at all...

so i can lift 10 pounds easy like 20 times in the side delt raise. but if i try to go up to 15 i cant at all. it feels like my forearms are gonna snap.

any suggestions?

Attached: Side-Dumbell-raises-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 66.35K)

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Lmao dyel twink

op here, l'm also on hrt if it makes a difference

at least you'll beat the roni

back to b/

I hate this exersize so damn much. Its really my last fave

you cant even do one rep at 15lb? if your forearms are the problem you could try cable lateral raised with a cuff around your arm instead...

dont really have access to the gym ATM. just have my home dumbells. ive been trying to do some forearm exercises , hopfully that helps.
they are really small

maybe its tendinitis or some shit?

Farmer’s walks? All I can suggest is trying to lift as high as possible With the 15s and keep going from there.

Not every exercise is susceptible to progressive overload dude. Even world class bodybuilders do lateral raises with 15lb dumbbells. Stick to 10lbs and do more reps with slower, controlled reps.

not really. unless youre on drugs progressive overload is needed to see growth. its just not as fast as youd see on a squat or dead. you need to be adding either weight or reps over the course of your meso cycle. and anything above 15-20 reps probably isnt doing much, so you cant just add reps forever

>Even world class bodybuilders do lateral raises with 15lb dumbbells
Not OP, but I refuse to believe that i lateral raise as much as world class bodybuilders. Stop lying faggot.

Try doing single arm instead of both at once. I think it helps.

>I tried to increase the weight by 50% and couldn't do a single rep
Try going up to 11 lbs from 10.

>15lb world class bodybuilders
No fucking way.

This is the same as benching 100kg then the next day deciding to try benching 150kg

Don't think about increasing the weight the same for each exercise, try to increase the weight by a similar percentage

thanks guys, i only have some dumbells at home but ill try and duct tape somthing to the 10lbs ones to make em a little heavier lol

It's tough not having an inbetween dumbell but if the duct tape doesn't work just increase the reps.

Or you can try the 15lbs with your elbows bent at a 90 degree angle. This makes the lift easier and works the same muscles

wtf nigger. I'm not even that strong and I rep 25 easy.

Scale it to a different exercise
>I can press 100 for 20 reps but I can't press 150 at all
It's a retarded jump to go from 10 to 15. This is part of the importance of compounds, since the weight is spread between muscles your increments make sense.
Stop doing lateral raises (do them if you like them but they won't help you much) and press more

I recently started doing these with a slightly bent back and not letting my hands rest at the bottom and had to do a serious deload. I always get insane burn from doing them.

Cheat them up a little bit. Cheat it until you get strong enough to do good form. Sometimes you have to go heavy if you want progress even if it sacrifices form

Try 12.5 instead. I could only do 15 pounds when I first started now I’m up to 30 with great shoulder definition.

Also try gripping less as you raise the dumbbells up. Imagine the weight hanging underneath your hands like a grocery bag.

This is somewhat believable. Your arms aren’t meant to move that way with heavy shit

100% every video I watch they’re doing 5-25 lbs max just control slow reps

Stop being a retard.

You can seriously and permanently injure your shoulder jumping up in weight with lat raises.
You gotta understand 5lbs is like adding 50+ pounds to your squat.
Those muscles are not meant to lift things in such a way. Even world class athletes max out at like 30lbs for reps.

Hell I do 20lbs and my anterior deltoid is fucking ripped.

Just don’t fucking do them. They’re a meme accessory lift. Listen to your body

This is the worst possible advice someone could give.

>even world class bodybuilders
>shows a powershitter

Attached: 1573684827010.jpg (195x258, 13.01K)

My rep weight is 25lbs for 3x8s, daily. If you want to progress this lift, bend in your elbows a little with the 15s until you’re able to do it with straight arms. That’s an equivalent of slightly less weight.