Why is it that women just can't stop eating so much?
Why is it that women just can't stop eating so much?
dunno lad I'd smash both if I'm honest
never exert themselves so food is super effective
What did you expect from people who have had to put 0 effort into anything throughout their lives
They lack self control. Plus women are fucking lazy and dumb, They just want to marry a dude for his paycheck then sit on their fat asses.
>that is the same person is under 10 years time
I miss the big tits craze of the 90’s...this big ass thing is so tiresome
>Toll: Paid.
Because in this society even landwhale got their fuck spot, so why a female should put effort when it cost sacrifice, strict diet and so on
She looks more breedable and fuckable in the right. If you dont prefer her in the right, you're Low Test.
She's got a body full of diseases, what's the point of being Yas Forums?
If u people really care so much then why am I not stacy for having a cute bum and skinny girl abs reee
personnaly I'd rather smash the one on the right user
This is a coomer thread. They have no use for Stacy irl, and visa-versa of course
It's obvious.
Women are smaller and require fewer calories than men.
I'm 5'2" 97lbs, unless I count calories and plan my meals, it is far easier as a woman to exceed my maintenance caloric intake of 1000-1100 calories than it is for a 6'2 200lb man. Just to be sure I run 1.5 miles each day now to burn off a few extra calories so I remain skinny.
Most women eat what they feel like and eat when they're hungry, so they put on weight as their metabolism slows down and they do less exercise.
Maybe don't be so judgemental baka
>cute bum and skinny girl abs
Get bent, beanpole. Thiccer is better cuz it makes my dick wetter.
>Maybe don't be so judgemental baka
bean pole? try sweet and petite captain ahab
>Maybe don't be so judgemental baka
do you know where you are?
You probably are stacy, you just don't know because you're expectations are too high
Fat girls look better in clothes and it’s harder to reach their puss puss when they’re heavier.
ewwww E.coli dick entered the chat
Because you are a male, user.
based analbro
Chicks can bloatmax and look good still. It's not fair, bros...
I prefer thick and juicy.
Same. Fat trashy single mommy would get it
Nope, every time I post body the thread gets swamped with (you)s and I've posted body and boobs twice already here. Just came here to give you my 2 cents and now I'm leaving the thread. Not gonna lie though for a tripfag based on anal jokes you can be funny when you post Tinder screencaps.
When men eat too much, it turns into muscle.
Anti-fitness disgusting lard fetishist need to be fucking banned. Fuck off you nigger.
>imagine the cellulite, the discoloration, the rank smell of death