>wow that pecs
>wow those triceps those bulging biceps
>that silverback gorilla
>those forearms thicc wrists
>big neck and traps wow also a 400 lbs bench
said no girl ever, literally whats the point of lifting
>wow that pecs
>wow those triceps those bulging biceps
>that silverback gorilla
>those forearms thicc wrists
>big neck and traps wow also a 400 lbs bench
said no girl ever, literally whats the point of lifting
im trans btw not sure if that matters
>>wow that pecs
My pecs are Unironically my worst feature yet a couple of weeks ago a girl commented on them specifically and how hard they looked.
must suck to have never had a chick run her hands over your stomach or arms and say wow while giving you a cock hungry stare
>lifting for women
post body
Nice b8 m8 8/10
what would an anime girl poster know about what real girls say or dont say?
because you do ? fuck off girls dont want muscular men thats a fact
I dunno dude, girls compliment my back an pecs a lot.
To improve you’re health? Because it’s fun and enjoyable? Because you can get stronger and look better? There’s more to lifting then just getting women. Fuck, I even started lifting while I already had a gf.
I've had girls say that I have nice tits, arms and ass. Never had any compliments about my abs tho which is weird since I think it's the most attractive muscle to girls. They'll compliment you on everything except the one thing that matters the most.
Hell they'll praise my average cock but not my six pack women are weird.
Fat ass cope
durrr muscles durrr me lift weight durrr me muscle durr girl touch muscle girl love muscle drrrrr me spend money on gym still live with parentd durrr
Me look like this
What me do wrong
I love You.
Nice argument, is this how you cope with being a lard ass? By trying to convince yourself you’re better then people who lift?
she doesnt like muscular men now you know it
Perfect, I'm dyel.
You know there’s more to lifting then rosties right?
we're reaching levels of cope that shouldn't even be possible
>said no girl ever
Tinder sloots admire my /fraud/ gains literally every time
how many tinder sluts did you nail? most of them just have sexting and then ghost me or just stop replying
Cope, I've had loads of mires and I'm dyel by Yas Forums standards
>muh everyone who posts anime girls is a virgin meme
>dyel by Yas Forums standards
you probably mog 90% of Yas Forums or more, but trolls have convinced you otherwise
Post body
The sad truth of it is most western males are so disgustingly out of shape that you can mog 95% of the male population in your country with 12 months of liting and dieting.
Girls like strong guys because we can pick them up and throw them around easily. Stop watching anime you gay nerd.
it's ok to be a virgin user, no pressure. just don't go around talking about what girls like or dislike as a cope for looking like shit irl