FPH - People Edition

Post your worst pictures of landwhales and butterhuffers.

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Hey guys, I coated some of the caramel I made in chocolate and made little candy bars. You guys want any?

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lmao why do fatties always think they can do cartwheels and shit? That stuff is hard even for someone reasonably fit without practice. It's only easy for children.

looks pretty good, but I wouldn't accept anything an user made after that /k/ meetup

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I'll take some to feed to my wife

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What did he do? Cum in the brownies was it? I can't remember for shit

bout ready for anouter scraping

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Top fucking kek. But tbf that doesnt look like coom to me

What are the macros for this?

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>practice judo at uni
>have one super jacked brown belt
>call him viking bro
6'2 100kg big beard, nordic tattoos, and also boxes, wrestles, and does that sword fighting martial art. He's super cringey but is an overall nice dude and a good fighter
>one day viking bro brings a girl to practice
>looks like a pig in a bath robe
>5 feet tall and as heavy as viking bro
>she has to tie her belt wrong just to fit around her gut
>think whatever at least shes doing physical activity
>start practice by running around the mat
>shes not running
>"I got a cramp in my hammy, I need to stretch it out"
bitch your whole body is hammy
>she continues to skip any exercise or conditioning we do
>move on to throws
>she can neither squat or turn her body enough to pick up anyone
>"teehee i only came to practice chokes anyway ;) "
viking bro looks embarrassed by that
>ff to rolling
>her first fight is against the coach so no one accidentally hurts her
>3:00 rounds
>he spends 2:55 letting her try to get a throw off
>last five seconds does a light drop seio nage
>structural integrity of the gym tested
>hear earthquake sirens start blaring
>wait those arent sirens, shes screaming
>screaming at the top of her lungs and crying
>everyone but viking bro and coach move to a different mat and keep practicing
>fattty stops crying almost immediately
>insists that she cant feel her legs
>coach offers to drive her to the hospital
>viking bro says he'll do it
>after practice cleaning the mats
>go to where she was thrown
>"thats disgusting she left a puddle of sweat"
>look closer
>fatty pissed all over the mat

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>deep fried butter
It's actually delicious. Very similar to a hushpuppy.

im american and this shit always makes me feel sick just looking at this

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>bitch your whole body is hammy
My sides, thx user

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NEw Copypasta, is good

>never been to a county fair

I've been to plenty, like I said every time I see this shit it makes me sick. Churros and cotton candy is healthier than this shit.

>cotton candy is healthier than bacon

>Cotton candy isn't healtjier than bacon dipped in butter dipped in sugar dipped in your mom fried in lard and then covered in more butter and sugar

if this isn’t pasta put me in screencap

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On a cut, but thanks for the offer, user.


someones not getting in the screenshot

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fat "people" are subhuman

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Ashamed to to say that's from my local fair


I hate that normies consider this "obese". it makes actual obese people feel better about themselves

what weight class would it be? jabba?