Fuck creatine fuck this nigger jew shit and fuck you for making me buy this demonic shit. I have been talking 5g a day for some days and since I begain training after a pause some days ago I have been experiencing some excruciating pain in my half head and behind my eye, one of the worst pains I have even felt. i can't even bring myself to shit or go down the stairs or pass the vacuum that I feel this terribly strong throbbing stabbing pain in my right ride of my fucking retarded head. I have been plenty hydrated, I have been pissing white for days, I have taked so much paracetamol in the last couple of days but it's killing me. I can't even sleep, if i hold my breath the pain becomes unbearable, I can't take it anymore. I would shoot myself just to make it stop, I really don't know what else to do. I need to make this stop, I can't believe it's a coincidence, I never even had anything like this. It's like something exploded in my head, I feel so much fucking pain I just want it to stop. Sometimes it calmes down only to come back full force, I have to take pauses writing this shit because I can't even concentrate.
Fuck creatine fuck this nigger jew shit and fuck you for making me buy this demonic shit...
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Thats not creatine bro. You should get checked for a tumor...
You should see a doctor
>I have to take pauses writing this shit because I can't even concentrate.
Stopped reading right there.
Dude that sounds like an exertion headache. You probably should go to the hospital.
You have a brain bleed, you are literally about to die, dial 911
You know creative is in red meat right.. like you haven’t introduced something new into your body
nigger balls lol
I can't go to the doctor and I don't want to go near an hospital because i live in high covid area, i know this is not a brain bleed or clot becuase i have to other neurological symptoms like double vision or dizziness etc and because I'm feeling like this for two days, I would already be dead. my family doc told me this meaning that I have some headache triggered by excercise even tough I did not excercise that hard I maybe did 30-40 minutes of free weight and pullups
i jave tried putting ice on my head but it doesn't work, i have been hitting my head, if i put my finger between the eyeball and the eyebrow I feel an extreme pain that makes my hearth rush but the headache disappears for a couple seconds and the first time it happened I was about to cry from joy.
my doc told me to take paracetamol or aspririn, I maxed out 4mg today and 4mg yesterday of para, i applied topical NSAID onf my neck beacuse i read it myght be neck muscle being pulled, please god I just need it to stop i am desperate
one solution
I know some of you might think I am trolling please i swear to god I am not I really need fucking help before I kill myself on paracetamol
Do not ingest more paracetamol. High probability of liver failure if you exceed the maximum recommended daily dose.
Are you experiencing light sensitivity, i.e. does it hurt to look at something bright?
>I would already be dead
not necessarily. some just have small bleeds and just recover without medical intervention
creatine does nothing for me maybe im not taking enough
I know I am on the limit of paracetamol but at this point I am terribly in pain, I read that i can go a bit higher than 4g so maybe I will take one more before sleep because right now i can't. i am on the bed crying because at each hearthbeat i felt life a spear in my head. i just want this to be over
> does it hurt to look at something bright?
not particularly, maybe yes a bit but its not reall noticeable. I get an extreme incease in pain if i bend over like to tie my shoes or as soon as I move around a little bit. my doctor already said to wait some days, but i can't take it anymore, i really need to stop this I will do anything to stop it
i swear to god if only I begin having some symptom to justify going to the hospital, i really really hope that it's a brain bleed and that it either get noticeable so that I can be cured or that it kills me because I don't know how many more days I can do like this
post a photo of your eye (being serious) it needs to be clear and accurate.
Land of the free
do it op, you have nothing to lose at this point anyway
I guess OP doesn't want help
probably killed himself. poor son of a bitch.
Not op, but should I drink my whey with water or milk?
yeah sounded like a tumor or some shit, or a blood vessel bursted somwhere weird
oh yeah on the side that hurts.
in the OP you say
in my half head and behind my eye
so then it's unilateral? which side?
cmon OP work with me
and when I say eye I need to see all of it, including the eye lid
I'm compiling information OP you gotta help me
milk if bulkin
Something tells me you either didn't take creatine or you have some other problem. That shit has been tested by the WHO and every national health institute.
Thanks buddy
>That shit has been tested by the WHO
Convinced me to never even try that shit, thanks senpai.
retard, Covid is a fucking hoax dont risk an ACTUAL HEALTH PROBLEM for a fearmongering campaign.
also fuck taking Creatine every day that shit is so unhealthy, I only take 3g max after an insane workout
You have meningitis.
How is it unhealthy? Legitimately interested in your opinion here
have fun with your covid faggot
I'm not in USA
Sorry I will try to express myself in a betetr way, i'm not even english native
So the pain is on the left side of my head, temple area, it's a throbbing pain. I also feel pain behind my eye, specifically if i press between the left eyeball and the eyebrow bone i feel incredible pain (that i do not feel by pressing the same point on the right eye) that is really unbearable but it solves my headache for 5-6 seconds. I'm not harmed by light, it barely makes my pain higher, but its not even comparable to when i bend over or do some other pain inducing things- i would say looking at lights is uncomfortable but not painful
well i took creatine and I'm quite sure, i don't know what to tell you i never had anything like this happen, i am not even thinking clearly
Creatine doesn't do that, go to a doctor before you die retard
Ok I've compiled good information
now last question
how long have you been lifting before this?
did you lift before creatine?
I don't have neck pain and i live with family, no one else has this (and i would have died already)
i have been taking creat for maybe 5 days, but i will never do that again. maybe i just dont have a tolerance for it. al i know is that i wish i would be dying
also in my country they don't even accept at urgent care, it is all fucked up because of covid
i feel like you are going to tell me i am a faggot
>how long have you been lifting before this?
some years
>did you lift before creatine?
i have been taking it for last week (but I have the package since a couple months) and two days ago i did some bodyweight after 20 days of no training at all because of study. I havent been to the gym since march (when they got closed beacuse of covid)
Pain in that area is not unusual at all, but the amount of pain that OP is in (supposedly) is somewhat unusual.
OP, are you experiencing pain only on one side of your head? Do have a fever? Runny nose? Is your sense of smell normal?
Try bending forwards. Is the pain much worse?
Praying for another dead schizo spic.
Take him away, white Jesus.
maybe one of his nosehole is inflamed