I struggle to do 40 push ups. What’s wrong with me...

I struggle to do 40 push ups. What’s wrong with me? I’ve been lifting 2 years and I can’t even do the bare minimum amount of push ups for the US army fitness test. I thought the average person can pass this shit?

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Do more push ups.

Are farmer walks based and redpilled Yas Forums?

In 2 minutes? You can't do 40 in 2 minutes?

How fat are you? Bloatlords cant do BW

Is this military camp for children?

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It takes me about 1 minute but that’s not the point, my arms literally give up after that 1 minute and I can’t do any more.

Lmao americans on this site be like "you should be scared of the wrath of the glorious american army!!1!1!"

5”11, 170lb


You could do it after 1 week of practice.

This. I can up my push-ups by 10 a week.

Well you should be scared. Our technology is far superior to yours and our society loves war. Our military is full of battle hardened veterans.

>inb4 whatever dumb shit you'll reply with

40 cadence press-ups or yer dom regular?

Lose weight

What are you smoking? The average person CANNOT pass the US Army PT. The average user of this board can't even run two miles. The average person certainly cannot pass the new army's APFT.

I'm 220 lbs, 5'10", and about 25% BF and I can do 50 push ups. There might be something seriously wrong with you OP. Get checked.

Focus on form and do them every day. I'm not an armyfag but I believe that at the bottom they now make you rest your chest, lift your arms half an inch off the ground, repeat because there were too many corner cutting bitches.


You have no idea what kind of combatives training or PT score that dude has.

Start bench pressing 60% of your weight as many times as possible

Fuck yeah, the sheer intensity of them iron your will power. I started with 50kg in each have and now do 70, goal is at least body weight 90kg.

I didn't notice the glasses. Must be because he looks like he is stood far away.

*in each hand

the average soldier can't even pass the ACFT. that doesn't mean the test is hard, just shows what a joke everyone's fitness level is

Bench press and pushup are completely different. Being good in one will only help mildly in the other.

For what it's worth, I am in the process of getting my shit together to enlist in the guard, so I have been eyeing the PT standards as well. When I started, I could do 20 pushups tops inspite of benching about 240 at 180bw.

After actively training pushups one or two days a week, for about a month, I can do 40 easily. Get the minimum before you enlist and you'll probably hit max by the time you graduate basic

> enlist in the guard

Don't do it, do something better with your life. Anything.

How far are you walking?

Grease the groove my friend. Look it up. I would recommend starting by doing the most sets of 3 pushups you can throughout the day. As long as it doesn't hinge on your main sport you're in a good path.

He will beat you up.

I feel you man I can’t even do 20 without struggling since I have mild palsy in my arms and legs

I'm in the same boat. I can bench 200 for 3x5 yet I give out after 20 pushups.

>new army's APFT
What the fuck is this shit? I've been training to max the APFT doing 77 pushups, 82 sit ups & a 13 minute 2-mile

Attached: acft_2020.png (1691x810, 166.83K)

Do push-ups

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