/fast/ general for slow burners

What is /fast/?
>A discussion of intermittent fasting, snake juice fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, snake juice fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc?
>Intermittent fasting: fasting daily with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hour fast, 8 hour eating window) is the minimum.
>snake juice fasting: fasting with water mixed with electrolytes
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

Why should I fast?

How do I safely do an extended fast?
>Take snake juice, or supplement electrolytes.
>Potassium chloride =1 to 1.5 tsp (No Salt)
>Sodium chloride = 1 to 1.5 tsp (Himalayan Pink Salt/table salt)
>Optional: Sodium Bicarbonate = 1 tsp (Baking Soda), recommended for longer fasts or breaking dry fasts.
>Optional: Magnesium - DO NOT use Epsom, it is a laxative, a 300mg citrate or glycinate supplement is best, or DIY Mag Bicarb (see discord sticky)
>Mix and sip throughout the day, don't drink all at once. You'll shit yourself.
>Also optional: drink some apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, 1 or 2 tsp in the snake juice, or separate. Use a straw.

Won’t I go into starvation mode?
>No. The mainstream definition of starvation mode is a myth.

Will (something with calories) break my fast?

Can I drink coffee, tea?
> Yes, if you are a sensitive individual too much caffiene can raise cortisol too much, YMMV.

Can I have diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
>You can do whatever you want. We recommend avoiding those, because they may increase insulin secretion.

Do I need a multivitamin?
>No (for a prolonged fast exceeding 1 week, nutritional yeast or a B-Complex is suggested)

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First for I feel much much better when I take salts while fasting than when I fast with plain water.

what's the point of dry-fast vs water-fast
also how do I increase my natural metabolism without cardio? I already do cold showers, what else is there

Currently on my 5th 7-day back to back.
Is this sustainable?

I'm fasting. Because you retards don't respond to anything without a schedule attached.
>4000 hours. Currently on hour 180
Yes, it's for fat loss, why the hell else would you fast for that long?
I'm worried about losing skin (autophagy) but I also don't want some vitamin deficiency.
So here's my plan, it's a 2 week loop.
>Week 1: take vitamin daily
>Week 2: don't take vitamin
I will be taking snake juice throughout.
I will also be exercising. This will be on a 5 day schedule. Day 1 and 2 walk for a certain amount of time. Day 3 and 4 walk but the time you walk for has been increased by 5 minutes. Day 5 rest. On the next day 1 I'd walk for as long as days 3 and 4.
What do you think of this schedule? Will I get deficiencies?

What's the point of fasting? I just completed a bunch of back to back 72s, lost a few kilograms and my abs are more defined, but now I'm constantly fucking starving even while eating at maintenance.

I'm beginning to think that it's pointless to go on a diet unless you're overweight, otherwise you might as well just try to lose weight automatically by picking up good eating habits, otherwise you'll end up below your set point and it won't be sustainable.

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Just do OMAD bro, extended fasts are more for health reasons, not maintenance.

Jerry has a great video about IF


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Is this gonna be every thread now? Fuck that guy

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You do know fasting is useless, right? It's good for small animals like rats, it doesn't do anything for humans.

Oh all right then, back to eating pizza it is.

Science doesn't support your conclusion. Longevity benefits may only work in rats from birth, but fasting has numerous benefits other than longevity, like blood sugar control, and lowered inflammation.

I've been taking Epsom salt with my snake juice. it doesn't make me shit bad, but it gives me optimal shits (not constipation from not eating anything).

>completely forgot I was on a 48 hour fast when I woke up from my nap
>made a nice dinner for OMAD
>sat in front of it and sniffed and then realized I couldn't have it
>put it in tupperware and in the fridge

Man I have no idea why it slipped my mind

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naps are the devil. Make you forget space and time.

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did keto for a week lost a bunch of water weight, started fasting for 48s and 72s, made good progress, decide to ramp it up and do a 120, progress significantly decreases. wtf happened? is my metabolism slowing?

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If my OMAD is something like half a loaf of bread and some butter... does that matter.. or will I still lose the weight

this might seem dumb, but does biting off bits of my lips break my fast? it's a bit of a bad habit that I'm in.

Can i do safely a 3 day fast every week ?

yes, but only you can truly answer that question

And by that you mean if can/can't make it ?
my question was more or like a doctor-question achktually
Light cardio ok during fast i guess ?

Second for it being essential

You can do whatever you want for your meal just make sure to fast for the full time. Low carb is usually recommended as it'll get you back into ketosis.
It seemed like a dumb question because it was. This isn't some hippy ascending bullshit.

I had nothing but mineral water and regular water for the past 15 hours, stomach is noticably less bloated but jiggling. Don't give up brahs
(Also screw all the faggots posting images of meals on the catalog)

You got this homie. Are you the mineral water nigga from last thread?

I just drank a propel electrolyte packet, and I thought it was keto friendly but I cant fucking find a definite source. Im also fasting and it had 0 calories so I should be in a fasted state still.

Did i fuck up my keto or fast by drinking one of these fucking propel packets?

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Is it true that fasting and OMAD counts as chronic calorie restriction and can cause lower metabolic rates? I've been doing OMAD and feel like i've hit a wall with weight loss even though i'm still 20% bodyfat

Yep, have not eaten dinner so I just decided to start and went to sleep and woke up and just chugged on mineral water and normal water.

If yo u don't have a sugar spike or insulin spike it should be okay

im 24 hours into a fast so i hope thats helps

If you are struggling with fasting, I can recommend starting out by just doing keto and then extending the time between meals as you go.

Fasting by itself is very hard on your body. But if you are simultaneously fighting to enter ketosis and having your body be comfortable with burning fat, then it is going to be difficult.

Just my experience. I feel much better fasting after having been in ketosis for 10 days than just going straight into fasting.

very nice. but do drink the snake juice

its not enough potassium or sodium