Post spooky forbidden esoteric knowledge that under no circumstances you should NEVER EVER talk about. I'll start

post spooky forbidden esoteric knowledge that under no circumstances you should NEVER EVER talk about. I'll start
>spinal compression

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>SARMS around /lgbt/

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>toe spreading

Sunning your balls

>posting wojack picture in a comic dump thread for guaranteed replies
No one should have this much power.

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If I ever work for a place that does that shit, I will make sure it smells and no one will be happy about it. I’m something of a champion shit taker.

Haha wouldn't it be weird if you the smell checker and you had to smell check the womans bathroom and it smell hahaha

Redpill me on this

What do they think of sarms

That feeling of internal heat you get when excited, nervous or have just exerted a lot of energy is what the Asians call chi. You can learn to control and direct it which allows you to burn energy without physical movement.

WTF do the CIA niggers know about this? red pill me asap

Lmao, it's called stress retard, and yes it makes you burn some extra calories

this should be talked about, just decompress on a pullup bar faggot

based haha poster

Epinephrine control. Shit's real.

Be careful though - once you learn how to crank it up, it might become hard to crank it down again. Super-strength, endurance, and perception, but also short term high blood pressure, insomnia, headache, and possible injury.

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Why would I want to burn energy without movement
Ive read people can train themselves to release adrenaline or whatever psychologically, any good books on it?

I am going to say yes. For the most part it's actually unless, unless you can give up society and train daily for a good decade your not going to be able to do much more than fuck with radiowaves.
Possibly but the feeling I am talking about is not stress itself but something stress naturally draws out. Anyway I'm not here to convince anyone of anything just inform
This guy sort of gets it
>Why would I want to burn energy without movement
Why wouldn't you?

>Why wouldn't you?
Why put energy into body just to waste it

>eat 5 scoops of vanilla protein shake mix with whole milk
>drink a room temperature mountain dew
>jog to work
>snack on baby pickles all day
>drink the vinegar straight once I've finished the jar
>"I've got to use the toilet, make sure mr. shekelberg is around to do my smell check"

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Not a waste of your learning to master your body.

Who said you have to put energy in? It’s to burn more calories, rétard.

the colorado experiment

dont google it

I studied TCM for 3 years. It's total bullshit mate.

>dude trust me
>l read books and shit

What's TCM?

Corelation between testosterone levels and political leaning.

people have tried replicating it and wound up proving that the original guy was just blasting on gear the whole time, its a bullshit study

>Proton uncoupling

If only I had known sooner lads

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I was doing a full-time course, not just reading out of interest in my spare time. So yeah, you should trust me over someone who's pursued it merely as an interest.

Traditional Chinese Medicine.

>took you 3 years to realize
Better late then never I guess.

i dunno man i have a pretty healthy diet and i poop some pretty healthy logs. normally 2 or 3 wipes tops. i'm just very gassy. you can't always prove i was or wasn't pooping just from the smell. then again i never need 10 full minutes to complete a movement.

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In all fairness it appears to be somewhat effective, if you don't know much about the placebo effect.