Can you pull off a physique like this even if you're a manlet?
Can you pull off a physique like this even if you're a manlet?
yes no one cares about height unless you're literally
How much of a manlet are we talking here
What do you mean, this is literally a hundred times easier to achieve if you're a manlet.
No body cares about height after 5'9
You can't seriously say being a 5'5 male is not bad
I have a problem not sure if it was because I was fatty when young that I have those lovehandles like in the picture(maybe bit less) even with a visible six-pack and adonis belt.
this leaves me to either be super shredded all year round and doesn't let me get that daddy/thicc mode like jason lascek
anyway to fix this? I literally feel like a god when I'm around 11% maybe even 12% BF
I'm 5'5, in all honesty, I don't get shit on by anyone but Yas Forums, although I can't speak of the "dating market" since I have never attempted to get a girl.
Every single manlet looks like this OP
2 most important thing to pull of a physique like this is not storing a lot of fat around your chin and your chest.
That's just your fat distribution, you carry a lot of fat in your love handles. Nothing you can do about it bro
It really could be worse anyway, my brother straight up grows tits when he goes above 12% bf, he actually doesnt have gyno but just carries a lot of fat in his chest
This, fat distribution is important for this physique. If you're one of those dudes who gets bitch tits and a double chin once you approach 20% bf then you will look like shit when builtfat, and should instead aim for a physique that works better for your body
If you cannot grow tall, grow wide.
I don't care about pulling it off.
Bitches do love it though.
yes, just play hooker
this but even more so. I'm 5'4 and I don't get shit, have a gf, and have been with several girls who were all taller than me.
Literally the internet is the only thing that cares about height, especially all the 5'8 copers on Yas Forums who LARP as 6'0 and up to feel good about themselves
little babby shoulders
>this is what women mean by dad-bod
why? how does this work
Look up gymnasts.
Longer limbs != thicker limbs, most tall people would have work hard as fuck to even get close to that mass compared to a manlet with shorter limbs
The guy in the pic is 5’11
My brother is 5'4 and no girl has ever given a single shit. He's got a good job and is put together and takes good care of himself. More poon than i've seen most men get so..
You have to be at least 6’2 to pull off pemabulk/strong-but-chubby bench bro mode sorry user. Anything less and you look hilarious waddling around with your thick build but short stature
It's easier for a manlet to look big. 16" arms look good on tall dudes, but on manlets they look absolutely HUGE
>he can't achieve dwarf mode
I hate saying this because it makes me look bitter, but that physique would look like shit (fat) if it wasn't for the perfect lighting coming from above
Correct. 5’3 is small. At 5’4 you’ll just look average not small so it doesn’t matter. At 5’5 you’ll be taller to most women anyway specially to asians.
This is what a manlet looks like after doing push-ups for a month
its way easier if youre a manlet.
a 160 pound 6 foot person with 10% bf is gonna have wayy less muscle than a 5'5 160 pound person with 10% bf
imagine taking some play dough and making it into a ball, thats a manlet, than you stretch it out and its a lanklet. basic science right here
Despite what fit will tell you being short isn't the worst thing in the world. In uni theirs plenty of sub 5"8 chadlets running around with reasonably attractive women.
>imagine taking some play dough and making it into a ball, thats a manlet, than you stretch it out and its a lanklet. basic science right here
Top kek this might be the best explanation I've seen. Thank you for the keks user
Now, imagine being a Manlet with long, thin arms
That guy is fat as fuck.