Has this dogshit lift ever actually helped anyone? Why do we keep telling everyone to do this movement if there is minimal carryover to the bench and is garbage at building delts?

Is there a single fucking reason to OHP instead of just benching more, dipping more, and then throwing in some lateral raises?

Attached: 4-1-overhead-press.jpg (1000x560, 135.32K)

get gud

"garbage at building delts?" what led you to this conclusion OP? I dunno about you but I've needed to OHP something a lot more times than I've needed to bench it

Sorry about your 30kg ohp after 6 months of lifting, OP

>minimal carryover to the bench

There is carryover between both OHP and incline bench which is superior to the vanity lift of bench anyways

Actually built my delts more than raises. Also helped me develop serratus and looks cool too

>and then throwing in some lateral raises?
Stoped reading right there

>Has this dogshit lift ever actually helped anyone? Why do we keep telling everyone to do this movement if there is minimal carryover to the bench and is garbage at building delts?
>Is there a single fucking reason to OHP instead of just benching more, dipping more, and then throwing in some lateral raises?

So you can press a girl over your head
What are you, gay?

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I have "impressive shoulders" according to a female coworker thanks to OHP, love that exercise

best lift to mog dyel friends you bring to the gym

i ohp pressed as much as a dyel was deadlifting, 80kg, Felt good. This is why to do it

>Has this dogshit lift ever actually helped anyone? Why do we keep telling everyone to do this movement if there is minimal carryover to the bench and is garbage at building delts?
>Is there a single fucking reason to OHP instead of just benching more, dipping more, and then throwing in some lateral raises?

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Why do people bench when there is 0 carryover to OHP? I don't get it. Girls don't care too, and even gay guys are showing less and less interest.

Wtf are you talking about? If you lift actual weight it will give you big delta. Keep at it and your shoulders will grow and is great for aesthetics

Did you sex her already?

>what led you to this conclusion OP
i wonder if it could be related to his complete inability to lift more than the bar

This is for your front delts. It you want to get wider, do your lateral raises

He would rather bench a bear off of him.

OHP feels like lifting the Stanley cup.
At least it's what I imagine when I do it. OHP is the funnest lift imo but I'm only lifting 95lbs cause imma nub.

whats better for general shoulder growth, the arnold press or just the regular military / OHP?

>is garbage at building delts?
Don't judge by your own results, you might just have shitty genetics

65 pound OHP detected and shit core as well ;)

No, she's not bad looking, 178cm blond haired but she has a weird face, she could be cute but she has a huge chin even though she's not fat, it's disgusting. Pic related.

Attached: FT7vnxA1Is-Tv-vEuIcexSd_RZs.jpg (900x1078, 483.61K)

My delts went from anemic to decently rounded, and strength went up like fucking mad when I started going heavy on the clean+press
It will show up any instabilities/weaknesses from your legs, posterior chain, core, whole shoulder unit, triceps, and a fair few others
I fucking love pulling heavy fucking weight to my chest and popping it overhead

no bench + seated db ohp and lateral raises will get the job done. I still don't understand why everyone started doing this stupid lift 5 years ago

Rippetoe repopularized it.

Op here, I'm a faggot if that matters

what the fuck is wrong with you little pussy ass retard if you don't like OHP then I don't really think there's saving you if you don't think this is the manliest lift you're fucking taking the iron and hefting it towards the sky if you don't feel like that's creating you the Avatar of Helios then you're being redemption if you can't see that this lift is the fucking lift off Atlas holding the world on your shoulders you're never gonna make it

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Because I can't pretend to be lifting a furious dragon's paw off a fallen battle brother with a lateral raise like I can with the OHP

The bench press is an accessory lift, who cares. The press is a main lift moron.

they shill it because they have shit benches and choose to do an exercise their non lifting friends can't gauge their strength on.

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found the post arnold era faggot

Why don't you like it? I've had a lot of fun with the lift since the quarantine started. It's the only upper body movement I can do at the moment as I have no flat bench. I've gone from 115x5 to 155x3 since february.

>minimal carryover to bench
>garbage at building delts

OHP is the most fun out of the big 4

OHP is literally the best lift

Can someone link the correct way to do this with dumbbells? Sometimes I see the bells pushed parallel with elbows more in front and sometimes I see the elbows flared out to the sides.