If you’ve failed as a man why don’t you just become a cute girl instead of coping by lifting weights?

If you’ve failed as a man why don’t you just become a cute girl instead of coping by lifting weights?

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All trannys and faggots should be thrown off a tall building by ISIS


becoming a cute girl is cope you brainlet

Ate you saying that women are just failed men?

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It's literally your best bet if you are white

ngl I'd hit that

Too hairy..

Because I like my peepee.

No because they were never born with the option of being a man.

Because you fail as a man only when you give up. No matter how low you have fallen there is always and I mean ALWAYS a way to get back up. Never give up, life is too beautiful to waste.

So genetic failures then

Many cuntcrushers don't lift, did they fail at being a man?
Does your father lift? Your uncle? Your grandfather?

Lifting is a way to develop yourself, should women who lift become dudes?

Do you see how retarded you are being?

Wht if youre a pushover and have a 3 inch dick. Women will only walk over you and screw you over and you can never have a satisfactory sexual experienxe as a man? I mean you can try as hard as you can but itll always end up the same way...

Have you see how these trannies end up? They end up with some 40 year old "daddy".

I don't care who you are. You an do better than THAT.

There are people that fail and give up and then there are people that fail, fail again, fail once more and then they win. Giving up is the only true failure there is.

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>Cope in 2020
btfo boomer

Back to the raid discord you piece of shit

Sunk cost fallacy

Some men will simple never be alpha no matter how hard they try. They will be much happier transitioning. Even if they don’t have gender dysphoria.

It’s simply the most pragmatic outcome for millions of undesirable men

No, you would be right if the world would be overpopulated with confident athletic men, but the truth is that there is a major deficit.

A man needs a name

Fuck off tranny, you posted this on like 5 boards already ffs. Off yourself already.

What, so I can fail at being a woman too? Get real. At least I can get better at lifting weights.

Even if im not the most gifted, I won't defy what my parents gave me because I can't get my shit together. To turn into a woman is a form of cowardice worse than suicide.

Why do you niggers always puts faggotry and trannies in the same box, the latter is degenerate while the former is based

bc trannies are mentally ill

a failed man is simply not done striving towards self improvement and perfection

taftaj is agp btw

Based and truthpilled

based wise man spitting truth

Based and bloodlined pilled

>Giving up is the only true failure there is.
Or chop off your cock, once you do that theres no going back, youre fucked for life