
>recently started working out
>mid-workout my willpower starts to wane
>have taken to either imagining a cute girl watching me as a way of taking advantage of my pride, or a timberwolf waiting for me to show weakness

Do you guys have imagined motivation type stuff like that, or is it weird? I've heard a lot of people put up pictures of their ideal bodies to help with motivation, but that seems kinda gay to me.

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Just get your phone out and have a peek at an insta thot with a nice stinkhole desu

hahahahaha never heard something like this but if its help you its fine

i personally always remember myself why i started, motivates me when i get lazy or thinking about doing another rep or not

Yeah I do. I like to imagine myself in a Mad Max type apocalypse situation when I lift.
It really motivates the shit out of me. Just getting into that head space really has to be a sort self-induced stimuli.
I legit believe it's a mental power that can only be activated through intense meditation or imaging. Thinking about
how I'm gonna survive this fierce desert scenario really pumps up my t-levels. When I grip the bar I can feel the difference,
if I'm not 100% focused on the task at hand. I grab that fucking bar full force like a Mad Max badass, a survivor and I just think to myself:
"Fuck yeah, it's firm enough, a group of bandits would 100% spare me, if I let them fuck my ass"

>a timberwolf waiting for me to show weakness

Based and primalpilled

I dont do it for motivation, but I often imagine that behind the gym mirrors there are nazi scientists observing me trying to find the perfect aryan specimen

if anyone has that pic please post it

I have a home gym and my gym mirror has comments from /cbt/ threads down the side of it on postit notes. It keeps me pumped and motivated

Top kek.

similar motivation

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Imagine the amount of white girls that beastly canine has fucked and KNOTTED.

I just pull up some hentai, gets me going within a few minutes of rubbing my dick through my boxers

No no, this is the kind of wolf that rips you to fucking shreds and eats you. It's merciless nature, red in tooth and claw. A conceptual embodiment. It has no genetals, only hunger and fury.

I like to put on some of the berserk OST when I'm rowing and I pretend I'm helping drive a viking war vessel as it engages another ship in the middle of a storm or something

It's probably the most autistic thing I do but it makes me go apeshit and I get a really good workout in

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It rips white girls' pussies to shreds with its giant cock

Do you even actually understand that meme, or do you actually buy in?

seethe more, ytboi

It's a meme made back in the day to be draw out people who actually know better. The joke is that if you actually go looking for women getting fucked by dogs (not just "haha, he humped my leg", but actual sex with dogs) it's all spanish and black chicks. It's supposed to go like

>White girls fuck dogs!
>No they don't, it's all latin chicks
>How would YOU know that user????

Ive watched white girls get fucked by horses and pigs, so that's bullshit. Cope more.

But not dogs! Checkmate cowfucker.

I found vids of that but watching girls fuck dogs is boring


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>berserk OST
your rows helped guts get off that boat, bro

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I like to think about being an ancient warrior, like a Spartan. Or I think about being as strong as my ancestors, a man that they'd be proud was of their blood.

If I'm feeling horny as fuck I think about how each lift I do could translate to being used on a girl. Deadlifts? I'm lifting her off the fuckin ground and throwing her onto the bed. Squats? Squatting my dick into her ass. Ez.

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I want to cum from watching that. My cock is so hard.

that wolf has been licking its dick all day

Even better

I usually imagine an old grumpy eastern european coach yelling at me and saying it isn't a question of whether I can or even a task to complete, it is simply what I am going to do.

Fun fact: what the wolf is doing there is a submissive greeting. You can kinda tell from how it's keeping its head and eyes low as it approaches. If it were a dog, that would look pretty normal since dogs are naturally rather submissive to humans, but wolves aren't naturally like that, so what it's doing is an active choice to display submission.

Another fun fact: all wolves have really really awful breath, and they'll be wary if you force them away when they try to lick your teeth, meaning that there are people who work with wolves every day, who are professionally obligated to let said wolves lick their teeth, because retards who don't actually work with the animals decided all humans need to present the same way, like a fucking wolf, an animal with a complex and flexible social structure, can't comprehend that different humans have different social standing. Well if we all aren't comfortable stiff-arming a wolf out of our faces, I guess we all need to fucking french them! Fucking hippies.

Fun facts!


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The funnest fact here is that she's being frenched by a wolf, it's hot.