Breast Reduction Surgery

>blessed with perfect genetics
>decides to chop tits off cause they can't be bothered to get a fitting bra
Even chopping your dick off seems reasonable compared to this.

Attached: 54353.png (710x712, 437.83K)

top left objectively looks like shit

it also causes back pain retard

They could have looked better if she had bothered to take care of herself better.

Those are saggy anyway

Get a bra with support and work out to build the strength to support it


>cut off your tits instead of doing some planks

cut off your dick

Wow, one single problem in a woman's life, that is fairly easily treated. Those poor busty women.

>women actually putting in work to fix and solve problems
Oh user, you’ve never actually met a woman have you?

> & health
No one is making you read thus thread, you whiny little bitch.

>cut off tits or maybe do some back exercises once or twice a week
Wow what a hard choice.

t. low test beta

Somehow these tit pics are hotter than most nudes I've seen. Weird..

RIP to these tits. Stupid bitch reduced them.

Attached: F85EC596-BFFE-494E-B461-E1A35112ACB3.png (640x1136, 1.13M)

A better use of modern medicine would be if they could transfer the size to someone who wants it

Attached: DFF94CA4-D87C-49FC-8431-11D1E432E632.gif (582x240, 1.41M)

>get an operation purely for looksism
women are truly retarded

Your faggot woman-hate raid threads are getting creative, I'll give you that.

>it also causes back pain retard

Attached: C7926026-BD2B-4A36-A947-8D36BB987AD1.png (280x305, 30.75K)

She looks better now

deadlift retard

Even girls gotta looksmax bro.

> & health
literally where nigga what year you think this is

Top left saggers were great nothing better than a soft pair on your chest while she domes you up

Why didn't she just stop being a fat weak cunt. Look at that body. Plastics surgeons should be shot. I bet he cut a mentally ill teen's dick off later that day.

>severe scarring under and across breasts
>frankenstein nipples with no feeling

Did that woman consider losing some fat? It will make make her breasts smaller naturally without surgery.

>living in 2020
>still no magic pill to turn your gf into a huge titted cowgirl
Are we just here to suffer ?

> & health
Not anymore

faggot detected

Ugly scars. What a disaster.

my lazy GG ex said the same thing, told her to start working out and dead lift with me at least once a week, she refused obviously the stupid cow and still to this day cries about "back pain"

Birth control

you're replying to me but is right. saggy tits are mostly due to genetics and any bitch who's insecure enough to get a boob job just to ride the jew-porn/instathot perky tits bandwagon is shallow, undisciplined, slutty and not wife-material

Assuming you are 20 years old: imagine it's the year 2080 and you turn 80 years old, and they finally invent a pill to turn your gf into a big titty cowgirl.
But now it's too late, you are 80 years old and your wife is also 80 years old, and who wants to have an 80 year old cowgirl wife? Nobody. Imagine the frustration.

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>not remarrying a young woman when you become old and rich