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Cause I’ll never roid and I haven’t found anyone who looks exactly like this

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I need to eat more greek yogurt

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zyzz was a cheater fgt

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Takamura is my goal for a lot of things

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hate to say it boys but King still beats any sad anime manchild you post

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my dream is to have a body like jojo/kenshiro (yea i didnt crop the pic idc)

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Muteba's my ideal body, sekibayashi is a disgusting bloatlord


He isn’t wrong in the slightest. I remember back then everyone made fun of his body and said he looked small, like shit, >roiding for this
Etc. and guess what? 9 years later and nothing’s changed. Post body anywhere except maybe cbt and you’re getting chastised about something or the other from jelly fags who won’t post body. And he didn’t cheat for shit, 6’2 210 pounds 5-10% bf isn’t achievable natural and even with roids you have to work your fucking ass off to get a good physique. Don’t believe me? Let me introduce you to Jason Genova. Very silly post mate.

It's good to have realistic, fairly easily attainable, goals


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Reminder koga got robbed

Don't even know what it's from, just saved it because dude looks like peak male aesthetics.

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Damn, I never noticed king had gyno..

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Kinda looks like calum von moger

That's softcore guy porn, my nigga


it's in the files name you fucking retard.

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