there goes my nofap..
There goes my nofap
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the fuck
whys like a chunk of her ass missing on the left (her right) there
but she's asian...
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>He doesn't know what happens when you flex your glutes
Spotted the asslet
I fucking hate how odd the hips look in the mirror. There is something odd about the indentation around glute med and the quad insertions. I can't put my finger on it, but it looks a shit.
Cheap chinks with plastic surgery don't do it for me.
Asians are truly repulsive
>inb4 yellow fever fags seethe
Are you an actual fucking moron?
why would she be flexing her glutes while facing forward
She looks like she's wearing jodhpurs lol
180lbs of thights and ass, nothing missing
bitch name is gou hui, i dont even know how to spell it but i know how to spell BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPER
i don't date girls that heavy
Even if sh'es 6'5 ?
Just looked her up on Instagram shes @guohui79388 shes not that pretty with out the mask bro
Neither do we, we just fuck a baby into them
Who is this semen demon
disgusting, wouldn't mind shooting a bullet through her head
she has the ass and legs of a black guy that runs track
holy mother of legs
I'd shoot my semen through her womb if you catch my drift
>Imagine smelling her feet after practice
Neither do i, nor do I date girls of any weight
A girl doing this stupid shit in a commercial gym...I wouldn't even care to look away.
She's obviously just having funsies
Gonna be srs here guys
is there any chance at all for a normalfag like to find a woman like this? I'm kinda chad and white and shit but man... They're so rare
How long did it take you?