Can you make up for wasted years?
>mfw just started lifting
Can you make up for wasted years?
The past is where fags reside
OH MAMMA! is that you op? oh mamma oh mamma can I get a booty pic with your panties on and one without them on? Can I also get 3 different pics of your boobs any position. Also, can i get just a normal pic or your pussy from the front and one where it's spread a bit open. Can i get a picture of you fingering yourself? Can i get a pic of your pussy and ass from behind in one shot? Can i also get a pic your full front body in just your bra and panties? And can I get a pic of your ass while your panties are all up? Can I also get a pic of your boobs while you're in the shower? For the rest of the pics can you just send whatever sexy things you want? For the videos can i get a video of you twerking in just really short shorts? And one of you fingering yourself? One of you actually cumming? Also, can i get one of you playing with your tits while not wearing a shirt? If you have a dildo can you send my a
especially for a virgin that saves webms
It's the only thing you CAN do.
The sooner you start the better but it's better to have started than not start at all
this. Don't dwell in the past. move forward.
All my friends are fit, rich, have money and a good personality, wife and loving kids. I... i have nothin...
You have friends apparently
Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years, realize you're living in the golden years
If you get a gf this hot, how do you make sure some other Chad doesn't swoop her up? I feel like this is the kind of girl who always gets attention and if you're not at the top of your game she could go bust one out with someone else. Is it the deep connection you form? Emotional manipulation? Is it even possible to tame a girl like this?
He means the people he used to know and stalks now on FB
Thanks for catching me bro, holy shit
You know why you dont have a hot girlfriend ? Because youre jealous little pussy, you know you have nothing to offer to girl, even if you magically got girl like this you wont even be able to enjoy her company
you will be seething and thinking about chads fucking her.
Leave this place, it fucked you up enough already
Some cute girls are very insecure. They don't know how qt they are and how easily they can get a better bf. You just need to find one like this.
go the fuck outside right now without any electronics and enjoy the blessed day God has given you
they probably look at you and see that you have a freedom that they don't (which you do)
no, most of this girls are not autists like you are, incel. She knows she has options, and even in thousand years she would never get close to a neckbeard like you. You have no chance.
Keep thinking about some girl who is insecure so u can use her vulnerability to get your dick wet. But its pointless. People like you shouldnt have kids.
I know I've been doing this every day during the quarantine to save my mental health. It's just an impulse, I almost never look back at them.
>see pretty girl
>no, most of this girls are not autists like you are, incel. She knows she has options, and even in thousand years she would never get close to a neckbeard like you. You have no chance.
>Keep thinking about some girl who is insecure so u can use her vulnerability to get your dick wet. But its pointless. People like you shouldnt have kids.
Meant for
Incredibly based
he said, not going outside to save his mental health
Regardless of your past, as long as you’re alive, there’s a future you can make for yourself. Keep pushing user, the mistakes of the past are behind you.
>b-but I can deadlift 500lbs
37 here
No. It only gets worse. Regret eats at you every fucking day and you think about your youth all the time.
God I wish I was born with good teeth
did they work hard while you were partying?