Tfw your head movement will suck when the gym reopens

>tfw your head movement will suck when the gym reopens

Attached: fitizen boxing.webm (640x360, 1.91M)

Lol it’s like he’s trying to get punched on purpose. Also head movement is for chumps with no power. Look up young foreman, zero head movement and no attempt at defending himself because everyone was scared and he just stalked them around.

That's why Foreman lost to Ali

Ali was a 1 in a hundred billion talent and speed > strength any day. Having said that those ropes were suspiciously loose tho.

The fighter is Ted Cheeseman, I think this was the fight where he had already lost his purse from gambling and he wanted to get punched up to 'punish' himself.

>muh talent
He used steroids when steroids where legal.

>that head movement
has anyone seen my sides? i seem to have lost them in outer space

god i love Yas Forums fight threads

Attached: nice fighting ladies.webm (640x640, 1.73M)

probably the most Yas Forums themed wrestling video. makes me want to reinstall bannerlord

Attached: turkish wrestling.webm (853x480, 2.43M)

That ain't wrestling...

>That ain't wrestling...
Yes it is and very respected here.

Why is he
>putting his hands into the other man's pants
>stroking his chest

>putting his hands into the other man's pants
Unironically for better grip. You reach inside to either grab onto the inside of their pants or to put your thumb into the other contestant's ass.

lmao that head movement suck, i know it because im mexican and we all born with this natural boxing skill, we and puerto ricans, ofc.

>lmao that head movement suck, i know it because im mexican and we all born with this natural boxing skill, we and puerto ricans, ofc.
based. mexicans are the most powerful race in the world

Attached: gun_latina.webm (640x640, 1.44M)

It's turkish wrestling. Look it up, it's a thing.
Can't wait til the lockdown ends. I want to get into boxing. On the plus side, at least I can work on my attrocious cardio

Why not?

Attached: smile.gif (250x250, 624.36K)

Whenever I see two women fight I want to beat the shit out of both of them

>Why is he
>>putting his hands into the other man's pants
>>stroking his chest
1 To get a hold of his dick
2 It arouses him

implying either of these ladies wouldn't just kick your ass

Attached: white girls can fight.gif (360x203, 2M)

A fight is a fight I understand, but there's something about females hair pulling that makes it so much more contemptible to me.

Half opaque bucket

Attached: 1587376977119.jpg (471x501, 20.71K)

Yeah but Foreman had power no amount of training a regular guy could achieve. So he's one in a billion too.

yfw you realize meth head girls are actually top qt and wife material

Attached: cuties smoking.webm (720x404, 1.99M)

>mexicans are the most powerful race in the world
Yes, cause whenever you think of Powerlifting, Strongman, Olympic Lifting, and Boxing champs you think of Jose.

African Americans have clearly been beating you at this for centuries.

Attached: defense3.webm (854x480, 1.91M)

Sure but neither you nor OP are Foreman or Sonny Liston or Rocky Marciano

what a fucking waste, they are probably dead now

I mean a toothless blowjob must feel great

t. *gbumbu seething lol

You can accomplish that using a hammer and some rope

t. *gbumbu seething lol

Attached: Dindu Dindu Dindu.png (1300x1300, 230.82K)

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wtf is going on?

>when you replace your jaw with metal