5'4 Indian - Is it over for me?

I'm currently 19 and a virgin, I've kissed girls in clubs before, but I am stil a virgin.

I'm a skinny/average body guy, will lifting really help or am I doomed? I want to hear shit from fellow manlets, not tall guys telling me how lifting helped.

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Yep youre fucked

Nigga even I being 6 ft white with masculine body and face hasn't fucked a woman that's not a hooker

Seriously? Like I'm not being ironic

Youre basically a nigger with a small dick

Tell you and your countrymen to stop being fucking creepy and desperate to women and then maybe you will have a chance.

Also post bobs

>I've kissed girls in clubs
doing better than me, pajeet. hang in there.

I don't have a stupid accent, I am fully westernised you faggot.

Dude the way it happened should not even count. My mate was drunk and so was I and I got pushed into this chick at the queue for the bar and I touched her hip and we just kissed.

Second kiss I ever had was with this girl from tinder, but she weirded me out by the end and I never saw her again

Grow a beard

My jaw isn't awful. I've posted my face on /soc/ threads and I was given a 6/10 and was apparently above avg for a pajeet.

What country do you live in? Don't Indians get arranged marriages, anyway?

I live in the UK, I don't want an arranged marriage

What's so bad about being an Indian anyway?
I don't think you have anything to lose by lifting OP, just take one day at a time and you will notice that with time and progress you will begin to feel more confident and comfortable in your skin, plus you will be healthier.
Don't let things out of your control like your height to bring you down. Remember that you only need one girl out of billions to like you, all the rest won't matter.
Overall, you seem to be doing better than many men who are 6' and taller, so I doubt that's holding you back as much as you think.

OP, have you thought about wearing these?

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Tbh I have only went to one party which had a lot of Indian girls, and one of them did really hit on me. But I was too drunk to register what she was saying at the time

Manlets already get enough hate man, hope you feel good about yourself

Your height and current state has nothing to do with your ability to improve. Lift and improve yourself in other areas. Your height doesn't stop you from being the best you, you can be

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So why not go hit on an Indian girl you fucking mong? What do you have to lose?

I have no clue where to find them, I'm pretty white washed too. I'm planning to join some team sports when uni starts, so hopefully I'll meet people

Indians are the worst race. Would rather fuck a 6/10 than Aishwarya Rai.

Then that means you're good looking enough for your height not to matter. Remember that dating is a numbers game, there's nothing more to it than simply that. Every woman has insecurities too, probably way bigger than any Yas Forumsizen's

There you go. Join every team sport you can. Pretend you're a Chad and you will be. Worked for me.

That's what I thought man, but I go to a club and no girls will want to talk to me or even be near me. I literally get rejected by landwhales.

I hope so man, blackpill has poisoned me so much

Leave the blackpill behind. It's not real. Everyone becomes an asshole that's trying to make you visible when you go into situations thinking they will be.

Just think of yourself as a friendly, outgoing person, and then BE that person.

Thanks user, after corona I'm going to start lifting.

>go back to prajeetland
>have family arrange a marriage
This is why arranged marriages are so prominent in your culture, it's literally the only way the vast majority of you will ever reproduce. Had it not been for arranged marriage your people would have died out by now. Don't break down the fence before you know why it is there in the first place, embrace your culture and get a homely prajeeta from a nice family. Face it my brown friend, in a free sexual market like the UK you simply cannot compete

unironically, you're fucked dude

>have indian woman coworker
>she's very pretty, brilliant, and very pleasant to be around
>husband is ugly balding manlet but a nice guy
It was an arranged marriage but it works for them. They have a son, cutest little dude I've ever seen pop out of an indian couple. She's so happy to be a mother and she loves her family. Embrace the arranged marriage pill, in all honesty your marriage would be much happier and last compared to the conventional western marriage

Arranged marriage is only appealing to incels like yourself.