Why aren't you incorporating mewing into your fitness regimen?
Why aren't you incorporating mewing into your fitness regimen?
Because no one can ever provide proof to me that it actually works.
Because it's a meme. The Flash fag doesn't mew, he was born like that. Also, my jawline is good anyway, I don't have to cope with that shit.
It does,but you gotta be really and i mean really autistic to make weird facial expressions everyday for 10 minutes plus.Just chew more gum
What is mewing?
Thats so unfair..If I looked like him my oneitis would never have left me. FUCKK !!!
because it inflames your tmj/masseter joint/muscle and gives you tmj disorder.
>It does
Yet, nobody has ever provided real proof.
>inb4 some pics of a guy at completely different angles
funny how everyone who has "success" with mewing is somewhere between 16-20. you never get bernard kikelsberg the 34yo turbovirgin manchild posting his progress pictures because at the end of the day mewing is just proper tongue posture. it can't improve your dogshit genetics. saying mewing gives you a better jaw is oike saying standing up straight will make you taller. it won't make you taller than you are, itll just make you as tall as you should be. no manlet is gonna straighten out his back and then in a few years be walking around 6'5 after a 5 hour squatting session unless he went thru puberty in the meantime.
Doubt it works unless you're under 20 and already as lean as you can possibly be
Is this the actor who played the poof in Perks of Being a Wallflower?
this desu, it's all camera angle changes, lighting changes, and minor fat loss at best, also people flex their jaws. Even Michael Mew says the best age to do it is 7-9 y/o. The man who invented the idea doesn't really think you have much of a chance later than that
Because I already rest my tongue on the roof of my mouth and breathe through my nose normally.
I mewed since I was 16. 16 is relatively early for anyone to even learn wtf mewing is. It's been 5 years since then and I am still a chinlet. And yes, I am doing it correctly, and I still do it religiously.
I was a mouthbreather for many years, kind of just did whatever felt more comfortable in the moment when I was younger (which switched alot since I had asthma). However, I would still recommend mewing for the benefits of breathing properly. It just feels so much better.
Perhaps if I mewed before I hit puberty there would have been a chance; alas, there is no way I was going to learn about it so early on in life, my parents obviously didn't know the dangers of mouthbreathing. So go teach it to your kids, maybe?
a weak chin can't be fixed, it's genetic, just get surgery if it bother you that much
don't really believe in mewing but if anything it will make your mandible slightly wider that's all
Some weird exercise developed by this dude
Mewing is a thing for people with fucked up jaws. For a normal human being, it's just the natural position to place their tongue in rest.
What the fuck was he thinking when he chose that cut.
What's wrong with that haircut?
Doesn't suit him
I think he looks better with longer hair and bangs since he has a big forehead
if this man had blue or green eyes he'd be the most attractive male on the planet
it only works if your tongue posture and bite were already fucked. literally all it is is propping your tongue upward and forcing your jaw forward so your front teeth align properly, so it makes sense that mouthbreathers with flat tongue posture and an overbite would see some improvement from it, but nobody else would
at least contacts exist I guess
he won't, and shut up about blue eyes brown eyes look objectively better.
> brown eyes look objectively better.
Mate...come off it, you can't tell me you don't think looks better than
Kinda looks like Joe from you
this guys face looks too symmetrical but he doesn't look like he had plastic surgery, strange.
i never understand this mewing thing, it is just keeping your tongue in the top of your mouth and breath by your nose? Because i alreay do that naturally...Do you need to force it or something?
Or do you guys actually breath by your mouth? eww
i don't
blue eyes may look amusing in screen but they're really boring in real life, this is from a personal experience.
brown eyes = high dimorphism, but if we had to pick then:
eye shape >> clarity >>>>>> colour
His left eye is actually slightly higher than the right
t. brown eyed bug
you're wrong btw
Would kiss both (no homo)
Also checked
jew actually, and i love my brown eyes, kys.