Do you see a lot of fat people in your cunt? Especially your age group?

Do you see a lot of fat people in your cunt? Especially your age group?

Attached: Turkish Girl.png (385x689, 642.35K)


no op. My cunt only like lean dudes

I've met a few nice fat people hanging out your ma's cunt.

I don’t have a cunt and if I did I wouldn’t let fats near it.

No, the only people allowed in my cunt is me and she knows that.

Is she vegan?

What word could you have possibly typed that it autocorrected to "cunt"?

Nice OP, the quarantine made you brain dead

Probably "country"

>be woman
>woken up at 4am by painful burning sensation in my intestines
>jump out of bed, try to turn the light on
>can't walk - like i've got a space hopper between my legs
>oh no
>not again
>flip switch
>once again i have 2 fully grown fat bastards erupting from my cooch, and one with a thyroid condition

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I live in America.

>tfw Yas Forums has no Yas Forums culture

newfag out


No, and that's a problem, as being just fit isn't enough, extreme competition here, virtually no american-style land whales.

We have a lot fatties, and my age grop of late 20s is prime for geting fatter.

All this doesnt help me though cause

>5'3" 160cm manlet who cant talk to girls romantically to save his life

>virtually no american-style land whales
You say that like it's a bad thing

More as time goes on, my friend circle is expanding, but I ain't getting any new friends. They all used to be so skinny.

It's Yas Forums slang.

>females ranging from model looking thotties, many athletic girls and occassional fat chick
>dudes either lanky and tall average build or skinnyfat or twinks with abs

no inbetweens

Are you still in high school or incredibly sheltered?

low iq posts

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I live in the fattest area of the fattest state so yes.

It exacerbates my virginity problems even more because I still refuse to debase myself into fucking a fat chick.

well, I live in the US so

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Your cunt only likes money, cunt.

im 27 and i go out a lot

who is the qt pie bros?

Yeah here in America even the young men and women who consider themselves active are fat. We have fatass athletes in high school playing football and softball, it is sad.


Why would I visit a board that pretends other countries actually matter?

Now that I have removed the numbers, is this weightloss progress or someone transitioning?

Attached: loss edit.jpg (4800x3264, 2.45M)

From fat to DYEL.
Keep going, user. YGMI.

I'm the only people in my cunt beech

Attached: Bloodveld.png (273x217, 17.77K)

Lift and bring some facial hair back.

USA, many landwhales, but I've found that it depends on the region. Living in Colorado, there are way, WAY more fit people here -- but they're all white. The Mexicans bring the lard and the few niggers who live here tend to be overweight as well.

Country I've seen personally with the least amount of fat people was Australia. More men seemed to be into lifting as well.

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The most fat people I’ve ever seen in one place was Disney world