How do I maintain body fat at 10% year round like how the fuck?

How do I maintain body fat at 10% year round like how the fuck?

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The same way you maintain 50% body fat: eat at maintenance

I do it easily

1. Count calories
2. OMAD (one meal a day) - most days I eat 1 meal, all my calories in that 1 meal. Sometimes I will do 2 meals, but most days (like 8/10 days) i'll do OMAD


Okay but why does this work?

I forgot to mention: The hardest part is getting down to

Its just a tool for sticking to the calorie limitations.

I found I was always hungry eating multiple meals throughout the day that were only 200-400 calories each. I found it a billion times easier to stick to my calories by just eating ONE 1500 calorie meal at the end of the day. If I did cardio that day, burned 300 calories, I get ONE 1800 calorie meal at the end of the day.

I maintain ~10% with a base of 2000 calories (no cardio), any cardio I do for the day gives me additional calories for that day.

Cutting calories (to get down to 10%) = 1500 calorie base

Mainteinance calories (maintain 10%) = 2000 calorie base

Lean Bulking calories = 2500 base

By "Base" I mean thats the minimum calories I eat, any cardio done is additional calories that I get.


Unironically yep, I am 5'7.

Jesus. I'm doing 16/8 and it's become part of my everyday life now. But how can you deal with hunger on OMAD?

You just get use to eating at a certain time (once a day).

When I eat 2000 calories (or say 2350 calories if I did 350 calories of cardio) I'm eating that at like 6-7 PM. So by the next day I'm still "content" with those calories throughout the rest of the following day until the night again.

Its just a habit thing you eventually build up.

I started doing it when I got my teeth straightened (invisalign) and I was forced in a way to stop having multiple meals in a day, and started OMADing with that, which got me really lean, and even after I finished straightening my teeth with the invisalign I kept doing it.

Post body. Not in an insulting way, im genuinely curious.

I do gay porn and dont want my porn connecting to my posts on here.

I dont fuck men, I just do cam-sessions, like those e-thots do, but obviously the audience is 99.99% male clients paying.

Oh okay lol. Why not cover all tattoos face and background

How did you get your start? Does it pay decent/any advice

CBF doing that mate, I have posted on here before several times, but not in threads where I detailed info about myself, just CBTs and randomly.

There is no start really, its like anything else, just RNG. The community of people who pay for shit like this are really weird, they're enjoy getting shit on and dominated.

I call it "gay porn" because its all dudes that pay for it, but the reality is, I don't actually do any gay shit, I dont even own any sex toys or anything, I just literally sit around, or stand and flex, and rub my skin and just exist really.

I use to be "chubby" as a kid/teen/young adult (1990s Australian chubby, not 2020 America "chubby") so I believe anyone can get into this so long as they get lean and know how to maintain it, and have a lot of free time + computer + camera and a bit of knowledge of the internet.

Do you hide your face?


But I do have a ASMR youtube channel which I do show my face, but I am fully clothed in that and dont use the same background or room as the porn shit.

Income from this shit has been around $20-25k annually in the last 2 years. Use it for padding primary income, so its not bad.

Hoping I can get randomly lucky and get huge on Youtube and make a few million there and then not have to worry about money again and work part-time in normie job.

It's easier to track things if you only have to do it once a day. Also you get the fullness feeling of binge eating without doing that. It just works for me i don't feel like really hungry except maybe once a day. But like if I start eating it's difficult to feel satisfied with several light meals. I also find its less dishes/cleaning and I make healthier choices if I'm not just looking for something convenient.

whats your weight, 155?

66-68kg really lean

I unironically have bulked as high as 93kg about 7 years ago when I was about 2 years into lifting and going hard to try and get strong. I stopped that adopted the lean and aesthetic path, and its paid off a lot more for me, not just financially, but health wise, and my joints feel a lot better not focusing on strength and eating tons of calories.

Shlomo, it's time to stop

How would you "ironically" bulk?
Have fun with your fucked up hormones

Because your body makes more growth hormones to compensate. (not enough to be above ottermode)

lol fag

>>I dont fuck men
If you're doing cam-whoring for men, you're shoving enough stuff up your ass for that distinction to not matter anymore

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So you just exude dominance?


Do cardio. It's massively underrated by the modern 'evidence based' community. You just need to get outside of the cardio = slow walking on a 1% incline treadmill bodybuilder mindset. People do that then say cardio is useless and you should just eat less. No shit it burns almost no calories because its barely harder than sitting on your ass. Do a sport, long runs or hard bikes and you can burn thousands of calories. If your lifting 6 times a week cut down to 3 and do 3 hard cardio sessions. You don't need to lift more than 3 times a week.

You can do both same day if you're doing actual decent compounds and not fucking around too much with the accessories you can easily do lifting and running in an hour for say 6 days a week.
Bench 3x8 1.5 minute rest (7.5 minutes)
Flyes (15 minutes)
OHP or whatever (22.5 minutes)
Whatever accessory lift (30 minutes)
Cardio (50 minutes)
That's like leaving 10 minutes to drink water, chat, set up stuff. Problem is people fuck around too much and lose focus.

On gear? Easy
Natural? Just hop on the jew chamber diet for a while.

You can stay low bodyfat but you can't really stay dry, a big part of showing off the definition is being dehydrated. Henry Cavill supposedly water fasted for 3 days in preparation for his shirtless scene for The Witcher.

Attached: the-witcher-geralt-1179560-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 63.43K)

Imagine promoting the production of kidney stones just to show off your sub-200 pound body.

I do the polar opposite I drink so much fucking water. I'm no scientist or anything but I think it tricks your body into flushing out more fluid after a day or two. I've legit woke up with a hangover from drinking too much water.

thats not how that works

Why does it work then? Like i can do this and consistently expect to see my abs horizontal lines on day 3. Where as most of the time it's just the middle verticle line and feint sort of impressions where the horizontal ones would be.