Finally got a bicycle for cardio and legs gains

>finally got a bicycle for cardio and legs gains
>hurts my gooch too much to ride it more than 20 minutes

What am I doing wrong?

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because you didn't buy an ass pounder 4000 faggot

castelli is a good middle of the road brand for bib shorts if you can afford. you dont have to buy a jersey you can just wear a tight fitting tshirt.
>but thats gay
you have to be 18+ to use this board

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you haven't developed your taint callus. it'll come with time

Just ride for 20 min 3x a week, up your rides by 10 min every week and the soreness will be gone. I can ride for an hour and not be sore but if I go two hours I get it. You have to build up to it

How come I don’t remember this feeling riding bike as a kid?

prob bc you weighted 45 kgs you fatass

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sounds pretty gay to me, faggot

No, this is Patrick

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Make sure your saddle is angled very slightly downwards

Honestly, I found bikes to be unride-able without bike shorts. Just go on amazon and buy a pair for 20 bucks.

I cycle 6+hours a week and only have some moderate perineal discomfort.

Try moving slight back in the seat so you are sitting on your butt bones and less on your gooch. Also get chamois riding shorts like the other user said, Eventually you'll get used to it.

Imagine putting on a costume to ride a bike

I think this was part of my problem. Also am ordering bike shorts. Thanks!

I bought one of these, never going back to normal saddles.

Attached: ism-adamo-road-saddle-black-EV206699-8500-1.jpg (820x540, 43.13K)

amerilards have to GET bicycles because its not a standart issue item.
every time


OP forgot to wear his pedal plug. Enjoy your hemorrhoids.

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First saddle that doesn't feel like shit. It was only like 20€ from china.

Wait, how's that supposed to work

>he doesn't know

I lack critical information on the ring thing

that's the most important part

If you bought a road bike then you need to buy those shorts or the seat is going to hurt like a bitch

You get used to it. But if you want longer rides get cycling pants with the crotch pillow.

Plug in ass, ring keeps the dick in the proper position.

serious question. How come all bike seats arent like the large comfy ones on womens cruisers? I can ride on that for hours and when im on my road bike I gotta ride out of the saddle 50% of the time.

This. Keep riding faggot

good, you'll give yourself ED if you ride it too long

You only need to have your sitting bones on the wing-tips. The prow is only there just to keep you centred.