Is it a good idea to eat 100 grams of flaxseed daily?

Is it a good idea to eat 100 grams of flaxseed daily?
I am bulking,

Attached: flax-seed-500x500[1].jpg (500x500, 60.81K)

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Just eat extra whole oats

No. For its health benefits you only need 1-2tbsp a day.

What health benefits do they have?

Doesn't flax seed contain literally 1000x the phytoestrogen in the form of lignans than any other food?
Doesn't beer have hops (a phytoestrogen) that had been scientifically proven to cause secondary female characteristics?
I would avoid bulk tranny feed OP

this, can someone redpill me on flaxseed? i have a stack that I made bread with, it's p good but I'm afraid of the estrogens

Secondary female characteristics.

it makes your poop go smooth

gb2 infowars turbofaggot. Yas Forums is a board rooted in scientific fact, not conspiracytard bullshit pseudoscience.

This dude afraid of SEEDS
Fucking SEEDS
Thinking he will grow TITTIES LMAO
If youre afraid of phytoestrogens youre a bitchboy already haha

OP here, I am a girl
Will my milkers get bigger?

Been avoiding tranny feed for years now I think I've turned out alright pic very related

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Lmao what kind of deformed titty is this?

Hello, nice TITS ahahahahah milky millky milky baby thristy mommy baby want milk suck suck suck suck hahahaha stupid cunt give me those big udders you slut hahahaha tits tit titty me your caveman me use big titty for big bitty hahaha honk honk honk slut cunt mommy honk honk milky baby want more now honk honk honk pitter patter on those big mommy milkies hee hee hee haha haaaa haaaa can't stop the milk truck coming through honk honk all aboard the titty train hee hee wooo wooooooo honk honk honk!!!
>(in post menopausal women) Nonsignificant declines were noted over the 12 wk (95% confidence intervals) for estradiol (pg/ml), estrone (pg/ml), and testosterone (pg/ml): -4.4 (-12.6 to 3.9), -3.3 (-7.7 to 1.2), -4.7 (-17.8 to 8.5), respectively
>not a study but flaxseed is #1 on the list of foods to increase estrogen lol
>in rats it increased estrogen and slightly decreased testosterone and decreased the overall size of the corpus spongiosum aka prolonged consumption of flaxseed shrinks a rat’s dick
>a low fat diet (less than 20% of calories from fat) combined with 30g of flaxseed for 34 days decreased testosterone by roughly 15%

Good luck with your transition OP. Keep us up to date on other foods and supplements us cis-cucks should avoid.

this is scary as fuck
I developed gyno as a teenager because I was eating tons of "ham" from the grocery store
little did I know that the "ham" I was eating was only part actual ham and part S O Y protein
I was also eating tons of multi grain bread that I thought was healthy, turns out it was loaded with flax seeds

it's over

Did you even read the articles you posted?

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>prolonged consumption of flaxseed shrinks a rat’s dick
holy shit

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The human body still has to convert the omega 3s in flax to the actual omega 3s that our body needs. It’s pretty bad at doing this, so your flax seeds are healthy is a meme made up by people to sell more useless garbage. Just eat fish

Humans aren't supposed to eat seeds, especially not cold climate shit like flax

The purpose of seeds are literally to come out your ass whole
>Flaxseed is a rich source of lignan and has been shown to reduce androgen levels in men with prostate cancer

Flaxseed can specifically be used to decrease testosterone in women and lower androgens in men.

Your body doesn't need omega 3s at all, in fact they are highly toxic and are used as immune surpressants for organ transplants

If you're afraid of seeds you are probably someone who should be worried abut estrogen consumption

You're the fat right arm of Exodia? Could be worse, I guess.

It does shrink reading comprehension apparently.

Show forearms

If you can beat 16 1/4 I'll give you respect

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long chain fatty acids, apparently. Really important if you're on a plant-based diet for whatever reason. Otherwise, they are good to make clothes out of allegedly and I wouldn't eat them.

Have you ever posted anything but these two pictures? Legitimately curious about what your physique looks like. No one is going to deny you have retardedly rotund forearms, not sure what you're trying to prove in that regard. You're still the fat right arm of Exodia. Post the other limbs so I can collect the set.

You mean ALA, which has a 0.0000000001% conversion rate into EPA and DHA? No thanks, I'll stick to my deenz :^)

He's stupid, the real benefit is in the fiber, they also gel up and scrub your booty hole out from the inside, great as a natural laxative but not something you should really make a daily habit out of

It sounds like you know your shit. I can't be bothered reading the studies. Could you give me a rundown? Should I stop putting massive amounts of flax seeds in my bread?