Just shave it bro

Just shave it bro

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No one is safe

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Even more insanely handsome...
Why am i cursed as a non chad


He made his millions

He got his dick wet by 10/10s for years

I dont think hes too worried.

GL wagecucking the of your life for some hambeast :)

I look equally shit without my hair so it's legit for me.

It's just hair bro

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Tfw i got the most mires I’ve ever gotten right after I buzzed my hair. This won’t work for everyone, you need the right head shape

It only works if you have a good hairline and you have good looking light eyes

shave what? his hairline is completely normal lol

>the men in my dad's family all have a head full of dark hair well into their 50s
>the men in my mom's family all started losing their hair in their 20s, with a lot of them being bald by age 40
What I'm in for, lads? I'm 22 and my hair is still going strong.

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This is every situation, and its called hypergamy, where the woman born from a balding family marries-up to a man who doesn't bald, and then the end result is the sons end up having a huge chance of going bald.

That's not what hypergamy is.

*yawn* more photoshop shit? Francisco still has a head full of hair

I thought he won't be able to pull it off because of his feminine face, i was wrong he look really good

Buzzcut is only profitable to already 6/10+ men, add masculine sex appeal to your aesthetics.

Wrong. It's all about the jawline, chin and eyebrows for pulling the buzzcut look.

What kind of eyebrows do you need? asking for a friend.

Hairstyle beyond the most normal haircut rarely add more than 0.1-0.25 points for your looks. Retarded haircut and NW5+ scalp on the other hand can take away from you anywhere from 0.1 to full 1.5 Points (1.5 Point are a lot when considering normal bell curve, It's the difference between being Top 20% to being Top 1-2%).

Thick and dark. Preferably with positive arch but not required.

I will never undestand why do most dudes dont have medium length hair and instead opt for buzzcuts or shitty meme undercuts

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Its literally the best lenght, medium-long surfer style being a close second

Attached: Zac-Efron-Hairstyles.jpg (500x500, 58.27K)

Because you need a god tier hairline to make it look good

cuz theyre not in fashion right now and most people are NPC's, medium length is the perfect blend of masculinity and beauty


Its actually 100% real, when did he start losing his hair, why so sudden? Sounds like the dude stopped doing finas or dutasteride.

Buzzcut doesn't look good with long faces, just is why Francisco lost 2-3 points

>I will never undestand why do most dudes dont have medium length hair

Fwiw i had long hair for a while and it just got in the way whilst working out, tying it up sucked, wearing it under a hat sucked, washing it after working out was a pain. buzzed it all off recently. will probably grow it out long again in the future though.

At Norwood 3 right now, should I just shave it down to skin? Already buzz my hair but I think it looks sloppy. I don't feel shredded enough to pull it off but idk
pic related looks kinda similar to me

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Normal hairline that frames his face.

>medium length is the perfect blend of masculinity and beauty

Most likely came off the fin like you said

>bro don’t worry 30s is your prime just trust me bro I know what I’m talking about

>5/10 when I had full head of hair
>4/10 when I was balding
>3/10 bald


I remember when I was young and unattractive I used to look at pictures of people like George Clooney, who used to kind of look goofy or not as good when they were young and thought I would go through positive changes as I get older but with every year I just got uglier.

whydid you turn yourself down? if you wanted to be hot you should have just made it atleast 8/10, you know you decide that right? law of attraction look it up

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