Most mild gainerjuice?

If you were in the position to get practically any sport-related drug you wanted, and your goal in doing this is getting slightly greater gains than without, but you also didn't want to max out on test and inject a shit ton of that weekly, what would you pick?

Primobolane seems quite interesting, but yea what would you pick?
And you can pick literally almost anything.

Attached: arnoldballet.jpg (612x816, 27.4K)

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If I wanted "slightly" greater gains I'd just lift for longer
If you can achieve your goals naturally why take the risks of permanent test shutdown, cardiovascular issues from screwed up lipids and hepatotoxicity?


just testosterone, 250 - 300mg for 10 weeks. Repeat twice per year.

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Isn't it possible to make gains quick by juicing for a few months and then just maintain the mass naturally?

sure, but you will lose at least half your gains from hormone fluctuations post cycle. Which will in turn rek your natty gains for a good while.

150mg testo whichever ester
200-400mg primo.

Literally the Chad stride


There are plenty of dudes who maintain/gain muscle mass on cruise.
Now, that's not to say you'll keep all 40 lbs you add on a particularly wet cycle, but at least 85-90% of that mass which was muscle will easily be kept if you keep training.

Which is why one should only be doing trt test and add non-aromatizing compounds like primo, tbol, var, winnie, masteron and tren (if you are okay with the neurological toxicity)



And then Cardarine or other PCT's afterwards for how long and dosage?
It seems like a low test dosage is what people usually recommend.

You got more on the neurological toxicity?
And got any experience with primo, tbol, var and so on?

pls bring something of value

You tried primo? What you think is main difference between primo 2-400mg, and 150mg test cycles?

op thanks you guys, heart

Yes I've tried primo and var.

As for primo it's like filling your muscles with sand instead of water. Test is more like water. You need to run a test base with primo, since it will shut you down.

So I need to take testosterone together with primobolan in order for it to work?
And some PCT after..

Man I need to read up a lot on this before doing anything


So if I'm 70kg and my target is 80-85kg, I should bulk to 90-100 kg on roids and then maintain natty?

There's no such thing as one cycle. Once you've tried divinity there's no going back..

Hah, right. I had a thought that I could do cycles like once every 5 year. And that with every cycle I'd gain just a little bit more that I would keep, you know. Like exceeding my natty limits in that period so my plauteau after a cycle is me being slightly bigger than before/without cycle..

Also when you speak of divinity, do yo mean mentally or physically? Because of course one will see gains and such, but hows the mental part? On top of the world, confident and overall feeling excellent? Is there any rage (lul, media) connected to the use?

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Roid rage is a myth.

The feeling of being on gear is comparable to mild euphoria. It also depends on the compound. Dianabol makes me feel great, but it's a bitch to control estrogen on it.

>Arnold is the inventor of the Chad stride

It makes so much sense.

Attached: coath adam.jpg (400x400, 16.73K)

>250 - 300mg
You're not gonna say any noticeable gains from that. That's barely above what's possible naturally.

Fuck off. High doses of test is for people with shitty genetics. You don't need to run more than 300mg. 300mg plus non-aromatizing compounds is the way to go. Nobody produces 200mg of test weekly. The natty range is from 75mg to 150mg (in extreme cases). Most people are at around 100mg.

You don't know jack shit about roids, kid. 150mg of pharma grade test will put you at about 600-650 ng/dl, which is the average for a young man. That's the average, but it's possible for some people to have 900-1000 ng/dl naturally. Unless you are clinically low test you will not see any extra gains from 250mg of test. And that's pharma grade shit, the stuff they sell under the counter is watered down.

I'd do Test only with multiple esters. Best combo imo would be test E once or twice a week and Test Prop every other day, so as to keep levels as consistent as possible, as per HRT, just up the dosage to about 500-1000mg/week to make some gains.
All that said, I'd still go for classic cycles like Test E+Primo+var or winny that have proven very mild sides and allow massive gains while avoiding BLOATMAX or TREN RAGE.

Please elaborate on your extensive roid knowledge. Have you hear about these things called genetic response?

Test isn't really that myopic. There are better compounds. Just run a trt dose and add other stuff. Stop being a retard.

this almost never happens, in fact the vast majority of people who juice but then stop never get back to their biggest state, not even close

>There are plenty of dudes who maintain/gain muscle mass on cruise.

cruise =\= natural
fucking lmao
also most juicers that admit their use lie about what they take all the time, you can never trust these druggies in anything they say

>150mg of pharma grade test will put you at about 600-650 ng/dl
first off, post evidence that this is the case
if you can't provide evidence you might as well shut the hell up

Let's just kill this notion with science. I hate retards. 0pubmed&


Hol up, retard. We're discussing pure test.

That's how much doctors perscribe for legit TRT, dumass. 125 to 150.