Why did she do it, Yas Forums?
Why did she do it, Yas Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>sucks nog dick
literally who? lmao
Some random porn actress?
Who cares?
porn actress that claims to be a christian women who demands an alpha male christian husband.
Was anyone surprised?
what a whore
is there more?
There's another video of her getting fucked in her cunt by the same nigger, but she got the videos removed from pornhub.
The biggest kicker. She also claims to be a virgin and a women of christ.
nice cock no homo
you incels should honestly tie the rope already, you should NOT be caring about a random woman's sexuality, she's not your sister, she's not even your friend, you're getting mad at your computer screen because of on in 3.75 billions women sucked a cock PLEASE take a minute to reassess your whole mindset, if you're young it's not too late to change
I now no longer believe christian women
sad how they can simply pathologically lie to god like that.
christianity offers too much forgiveness.
it's the same god anyways in Islam.
should I convert?
>hate jews
>get away with it
Also this was from a thread exposing her, the website is in the image.
Sadly it flags as spam on here. She claims it's underage to hide the shame she got fucked by a nig nog.
Bro, she is someone that was whoring then "converted to Christianity".
She's a fucking retarded cunt, and a complete fake. No real christian girl who believes in Christ like her (so she claims) would be doing what she does, or showing off such skin.
Ah yes, a very firm christian man you are user
And how exactly is that in any way wrong you cracka?
Black men:
-more masculine
-have more melanin
-more pheromones
-more testosterone
-lower bodyfat
-deeper voice
-age better
-bigger dick
-better fashion sense
-lose virginity earlier
-dominate every social circle
-knows how to fight
-probably bullied you in school
>Scientists have discovered that white people tend to choose other races when asked to rate which faces they find most attractive.
>The scientists discovered that white men prefer the facial features of Asian women while white women go for the faces of black men.
>Blacks are significantly more sexually active than Whites
>46% of Black males reported having at least 15 sexual partners, more than any other race.
>6. African-Americans have 8.2 percent more sex than Caucasians.
Firm in my belief of God. I shouldn't be obligated to collect with people who represent him poorly.
I'm not longer a christian, nor am I muslim.
The only collective I belong to is men of the abrahamic god.
>born again virgins
women really think they can pull that shit. kek.
That is one UGLY dick.
Not fitness related
nigger I'm not even white and this is cringe
and Americans are naturally Jewish slaves cucks
>bigger and stronger
Lol. WSM is dominated by slavs and nordics for a reason, you larping faggot.
Lmao. Niggers are manlets.
>bigger dick
Nice meme. Shame it's not supproted by facts.
>knows how to fight
Lmao. Explain why whites dominate boxing, kickboxing and, UFC right now.
>probably bullied you in school
Since when do niggers go to school.
>shitty sources
>not directing straight to the study
>cdc find black men more degenerate who could have guessed
post body
the vid of her sucking cock is prob 2+ yo and she was in fact underage
the admins of that chan are gonn get raped in jail lmao
Real life evidence keeps proving me right. You don't even find white women any more who hasn't tasted the black dick at one point or another.
I have the same boxers as the dude she's blowing
pretty neat
kys natassia
I don't want to defend the coal-burner but all Christian women have sex.
How many women pretend to be idols for younger women, claim to be virgins, claim to be pure, while sucking and getting fucked by a monkey?
Jesus wasn't a nigger.
who is this and why should anyone care what she does
go dilate you tranny, the roastie in the OP LARPs as a christian tradgirl yet whores herself out, it's hilarious
Who tf cares if a random slut who looks like a bursted hose is doing porn ?
Shes trying to make very young girls be like her, she has a big big following.
It's actually very sad.
she does know if that was true it would open up an investigation revolving around the video, her emails and account would get subpoenaed to aid the investigation to charge someone for manufacturing and producing such a thing (if it were true).
also statute of limitations isn't after 2 years kek
sure as hell wasn't white
Bro you guys live in the US the land where blacks have been cucking whites at everything including fucking more white pussy.
It's sad to know that a black guy totally alien to your race know more about the white pussy than you, a white guy. Just accept you're physically inferior. Go back to high intelligence high class and high sophistication. It saddens me when whites try to compete with blacks when it comes to masculinity and athleticism.
Do you pass her standards test to be her boyfriend, Yas Forums?
You never had control, you just had money and power, but money and power doesnt prevent their minds from wandering off to more masculine races, all the money and power doesn't change the fact that you have become more and more feminized as a whole.
You can do all the crossfit you want, slap on as many tattoos as you want, in the end, you are still a weak ass white boy, and your women know it. and deep down you know it, which is why you've been so god damned angry at everyone else in the world
t. Beyonce Wilder
Wear a lighter costume next time mate
Americans are so weird...
To be fair, she is Russian.
hello tenda spencer
meanwhile irl:
>blacks are 1" shorter than whites
>blacks have 0.2" smaller dicks than whites
I mean ok, good for you
I hope you're not shitposting just because you are insecure
They are obsessed with niggers and their dick. What's wrong with them?
ummm why would anyone want to fuck a smelly monkey nigger lol just doesn't make sense to me because they smell so fucking bad and they're animals and they do crime constantly and say stupid shit like bruh and hol up and okie doke and they grow that stupid pube fur out of their heads and let it grow long and get all matted and tangled like some wild beasts lol dumb fucking niggers lived in africa for millions of years and never reached the neolithic era there's nothing separating them from animals oh wait I've known loyal and smart animals never known a loyal or smart nigger lol
yeah... mixed guy here. minorities, people of color, nignogspicsbigbogwhignahs, whatever the fuck you want to call us DON'T talk like this.
most of us have jobs and lives.
I do not know a single black guys that browses this board let alone talks like that. Most of my black friends talk about drugs, school, shoes, sports, and shit that's relevant in their lives.
post body dude, you're not black. nice larp. NOT.
anyone here who went to public school knows how the average black sounds and their interests are. how fucking detached are you?
get help tenda
wtf? Neanderthals used to hunt humans and their own kind for lunch
Its really simple folks
Does she have a social media like isntagram where she's constantly taking pictures of herself? Does she flaunt her ass and work it out to be like a nigger?
Then, shes a whore, and most likely a coal burner
wtf mutt name is that
Some women claim that they are born again through Christ when they join the faith, which grants them renewed virginity. It's similar to Catholic girls who only do anal because they think it keeps them virginal
>yeah... mixed guy here
lol kys you fucking monkey chimera fuck
Become a nazarene user, you follow both the old and the new testament but without all the talmud and quran faggotry, just the bible (in hebrew, of course)