Tell me Yas Forums, what are your top 3 favorite supplements for the gym?
Mine currently:
1) Adenosine monophosphate
2) Ligandrol
3) Ostarine
I used to have coffee on this list but it's not really a supplement nor does it really do anything.
Tell me Yas Forums, what are your top 3 favorite supplements for the gym?
Mine currently:
1) Adenosine monophosphate
2) Ligandrol
3) Ostarine
I used to have coffee on this list but it's not really a supplement nor does it really do anything.
>2) Ligandrol
Lig and drol on these nuts lmao
based. OP BTFO and proven absolute faggot cockmuncher. fpbp. /thread
imagine taking fucking supplements LMAOOO like taking pills like some old man LMAOO like nigga got Alzheimer's LMAOOO fucking retard Poppin pillies LMAOO fuckin pull a jewsworld down 30 vitamin D tablets on a plane and OD and die LMAOOO.
I just added aspirin to my EC stack and holy shit it unlocks the power rush. Without the aspirin it was just "whatever."
1)ECA+DMAA stack(T6 from Zion labs is available where I am for some reason)
2)yohimbin hcl
Whey, creatine and coffee
ITT: lanky fucks that don't want to admit their mistake and really unlock those gains
whey protein and creatine, thats it.
acid, ecstasy, and protein
Ever try candy flipping?
everytime im in the gym, dawg
>dessicated bulls testicles
>nicotine gum
>yes... consume more pills, goy
I mean, roids are pretty much mainstream and there's no real reason not to use them.
>he takes substances which have unknown mechanisms of action
>dr oz said supplements dont work!
4000 IU Vitamin D3 & K2
50mg Zinc
Days where I don't eat right:
The sups above + a big fat ole' multi vitamin too, just for a boost
Take then all with a fatty, oily meal
Too much zinc, you're going to force out copper absorption
Oh, really?
... should I lower my Zinc supplementation to say, 50mg every 3 days instead of every day?
>fish oil
>posting racist and antisemetic shit online
>heh no way i'm taking pills *drinks powder*
ligandrol and ostarine aren't just supps man they're suppressive in high doses and/or over long periods of time.
300mg testosterone weekly
30mg dianobol daily.
Lmao at coping with supplements
post body
I only take whey & ZMA.
Don't see what else I should bother with. I just want to gain mass and sleep well and have good gum.
Wait, why would anyone take this? Wouldn't it just make you tired?
Aderall XR 20 Mg
2) L-Theanine
>t. the actual lanky fuck who replaces hard work with pills and can't cope with it so he makes a thread about it only to realize the only supplements people take are protein and maybe creatine with nothing else because nobody is as retarded as he is luh Mao.
eat your pills, goy!
how much has yohimbin helped your libido? i've got a bottle coming in next week