This shit is a fucking cult...

This shit is a fucking cult. If you think that watching porn and masturbating is a problem in life and stopping those two things helps you, then more power to you. But this shit is just the biggest fucking cope ever. If you go onto the NoFap subreddit it's the most pure, distiled form of desperation, autism and delusion.

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Being a incel makes people desperate.

You best go back the fuck you came

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I’m only doing it to get to 90 days and fix my PIED.

Day 127 here. Balking mighty hard at these grapes, Mr. Fox


Yeah the community is pretty cringe but semen retention benefits are %100 real. Day 163 here, ask me anything

Watching porn is detrimental to anyone's psychological and physiological health. I agree with you that making a social movement out of that fact and circlejerking constantly (how ironic, eh?), as well as comically overstating the benefits of abstaining from porn & masturbation is retarded.

how is sex life?

Hahah yeah so original. Haha..
Yeah, I'm not going to dispute the benefits of semen retention. I just don't get why there needs to be an online community to tell you to stop jerking off. That just seems weird.

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Do grills flock to you now? Do you have the confidence of an Jewllywood actor?

Post nose and last name

Does it? Its basically the same message churches used to give out before we all stopped going to them. These days since we live more and more online I'm surprised more communities haven't sprung up like nofap, or maybe they have and we just haven't heard of them yet

Is women attraction real or just reddit larping?

OP here. Boschwitz. Why?

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"Wet dreams occur normally without a clearly identified inciting cause. There is some association between an increased frequency of wet dreams and a lack of sexual activity or masturbation with orgasm. Some studies have shown that higher testosterone levels are associated with more frequent wet dreams."

Id rather fuck/fap enjoy the moment than cum while sleeping.

Porn is absolutely bad for you

Enjoy low t, then. Waking yourself up before nutting on your sleep is next fucking level Yas Forumsness.

Amazing. Rock solid cock everytime I fuck. Also lost my virginity on this streak
Everyone kinda “flocks” to me now lol. Before when talking to people, girls especially, I was nervous as fuck but now it’s super natural and I instantly know exactly what to say. So yeah definitely an improvement from before and I noticed this around the 2 week mark. This is my favorite benefit
See above reply.

Nofap has good intention, but the community is the biggest bunch of loser there is. Ironic considering for them it's to not be one. And yes I'm pretty sure on reddit 99% of them are gay.

Seriously stop claiming super power or other bunch of shits like this. You really have to watch picture of dude who went on a walk insted of fapping to resist your urge ? Weak.

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Id rather have low.t and be happy than high t and miserable.
Muscles isnt everything in life. Feeling good comes first regardless of your t levels.

>before we all stopped going to them
Not everyone is a christcuck like you, user.

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>Amazing. Rock solid cock everytime I fuck. Also lost my virginity on this streak
Nice, brother. I notice the same. I start the day with a diamond boner and everytime my girl just touches me somewhere, it goes right into attack mode. i love it. she loves it. jews hate it :^)

Its almost as Vegan movement, i understand and respect, just don't try to convince me, they come of as try hards.

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porn is bad for you. That is confirmed.
Masturbating even once a day is bad for you. That is confirmed.

Be a coomer if you want, pussy.
I get laid if I wanna cum, and it's a million times better than anything you're getting from your bitch ass pocket pussies watching guys like me fuck girls you couldn't even look in the eyes.

>Feeling good
The minutes you spend masturbating shouldn't be a defining feature in your life for whether you "feel good"

Clearly you never fucked before. Having sex can be tiresome, you don't cum as easily. Even with tight pussy, sometimes you may even end it without cumming. While a quick fap can me done in minutes an relive thet head of the "attack" mode.

You sir are a confirmed virgin

>/r/nofap is for porn addicts who want to recover
>"the community is the biggest bunch of loser there is"

no shit, sherlock. porn addicts ARE the biggest losers on this planet. at least the guys on r/nofap want to recover, while like 99% of the porn addicts in our society believe the lies of the (((media))) that their degenerate illness is somehow ok


Who are you to decide that? Just go on with yout nofap and stop trying to make everyone like you. You are happy? Awesome brother! Thanks for the advice but ill follow my path.

you sound miserable

>Who are you to decide that? Just go on with yout nofap and stop trying to make everyone like you. You are happy? Awesome brother! Thanks for the advice but ill follow my path.
>if I never beat my willy alone I wouldnt be happy!
I'm sorry user

Day 8400 here, it's not worth it.

You're right. Their lifes aren't shit because of their lack of effort or lack of discipline... It's because magical Jew is making them watch porn. Do you people ever realise how delusional you sound? I'm not trying to defend the porn industry but imagine being so weak willed you view jacking of as anything other than just a form of procrastination.

day 21: longest streak of noporn/noedge/nofap ive accumulated in awhile. been tempted to peak at some pixels, but keep reminding myself that will reset me back to zero, and I gotta let this positive energy build. it's not a joke, boys. life is better when you aren't looking at girls or squirting your seed.

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Fair point. But ((in my opinion)) you can still fap every single day, multiple time a day, to some fucked up porn and still fuck women and be a chad, and there is nothing wrong with that.

People who fap aren't all miserable, they are quite normal. You on the other hand went all commando with nofap in search of something. What was it? Happyness? What are you trying to achive with NoFap?

if you really want to know the answers to your question you should try not looking at porn or touching your penis for 90 days

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I just said that if you are happy, congratz. Now i understand why you love nofap, you are retarded.