It's time to settle this once and for all

It's time to settle this once and for all

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Left, right looks like a sperg

They have both had sex at least once in their lives so idc


Both get laid. Look at other pics of the senator he's actually a decent looking guy no doubt fucks tons of thots with daddy issues

>incel thread #75854

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Right looks like he used to play college ball

I get that you are memeing right to be an incel but left looks like shit still

>face and lms
My fucking sides, is this a doomer thread?

Non-twink skinny men look gross. I see a few at my gym, and they're completely unattractive.

Jos is a Chad among Chad. And if he's really natty like he claims that makes him a fitness god.

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>Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit. Fuck "American pride". Fuck the media! Fuck all of it!

based senator lift for his own.

The important thing is to avoid being short

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If we needed hem togetherz it would be ultimate.

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Right is making the most of his potential, left isnt and is just a lucky faggot. Obviously 90% women will choose left, if left would be ottermode Yas Forums that would be 99%

>just be lucky bro

Yes it comes down to control the controllables and stfu about the rest

Unironically amazing fucking body on the right.

>lose gay necklace
>contacts or better glasses
>grow out beard
>different hairstyle
Reminder that being Yas Forums is not enough if you still style yourself like a retard

Right, left looks like a gypsy.

The most underrated thing is a tan and thick textured hair

>Soon women will raise the bar and I will be sent to the pitt

What is even the question? Working out doesn't give you the face of the guy on the right.

Hmmmm lets see, do I become a feminine trendy fagg just so I could put my penis in a woman


Be a buff narcissist, constantly mirin myself and obsess with my body?

The answer is simple, it's better to be buff and jerk off than to be a woman like fag just to appeal to some woman. Especially when robots are on the horizon, we're all pass the point of caring about women anyways. It's all about sweet gains and being a huge ogre

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is it over?

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>Hair transplant
>Get tan (can't tan, blast Melanotan II)
>Dye hair to look like a trendy faggot


You’d look good with a buzz if that’s really you.

The cope is too strong in this thread. The guy on the left can literally fuck your girl and your mom at the same time if he wanted to.

Right would be lucky to sculpt junkies who want to be sodomizied

My mother 6'0

That is a manlet, who could get any girl bellow his height but don't talk shit about my mother

You've brain damage if you think 99% of the women won't choose him

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Keep dreaming, mutt. Women are disgusted by gypsies where I live. The guy on the left would be lucky to score a 38-year-old single mom.

He's literally 6'2 coping faggot. Also what you said doesn't make sense regardless as 6ft+ women are disgusting and almost only seen with manlets because nobody else take them

A lot of women would find him too skinny and effeminate.

that is factually me but i cant see myself with buzzcut

maybe it would add a bit to masculinity thing
tan is a bitch yes

face is unironically all that matters unless hes literally 5'5 or shorter

If you're 16, yeah. If you're actually an adult you need to have at least some masculinity. The biggest twink cope is that you can skate by on face alone, when in reality you'll look like a faggot once you're out of your teens. Face + good body is the ultimate combo that can last you throughout your 30s and 40s (see: Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Jason Momoa, etc.)

>Millones of young women followers
>5M$ networth
>Supermodel wife
The cope is too strong i can't. And i'm not even lookismfag.

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