Fake friend I thought was a real friend gets into argument with me, throws the first insult at me

>fake friend I thought was a real friend gets into argument with me, throws the first insult at me
>I insulted him back, he ends up hitting my vehicle twice and then sucker punches me twice
>I didn’t fight back, he didn’t hurt me I just looked at him laughed and began telling him how weak and pathetic his punches are and how he couldn’t even knock me out or rumble me with two free sucker punches
>almost bring him to tears, he cowers away to a curb and sits there, calls his mom and tells her to come (he’s 24)
>trust is broken between us, I’m pissed, I call cops to log that he dented my vehicle
>he tells the cops I provoked him and that’s why he hit me, him and his mom stay and chat with the cops after I leave and I later find out they were bad mouthing me to the cops and painting me in a extremely negative light
>he ends up paying for damages because I threatened to charge him otherwise
>2 years later I’m pissed I didn’t fight back and kick his fucking ass
>I’m pissed and disgusted he hung around so he could bad mouth me to the cops and tell them horse shit
>I feel like I should have defended myself like a man
>been boxing and doing Jiu Jitsu and lifting ever since then
>I swore to myself if I ever see him in public anywhere I’m going to walk right up to him and sucker punch him twice without warning and to assert my alpha male status over him and if he fights back I’m going to brutally harm him

The rage is real. High test as fuck.

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cringe and beta-pilled

Imagine being as beta as OP?

Just imagine.



very sad

Learn to let go of your anger. Ascend past petty squabbles and find what makes you truly happy. Mental gains are just as important as physical ones

This cringe beta boy is gonna bust up someone’s face and make him his bitch.


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>2 years
>2 fucking years
lmao you're a weak ass betafag op get your shit together

>going to jail around degenerates for your ego

yikes, how nigger are you?

t. low test virgin

>holding in bottle rage for years

meanwhile your chad ex friend eats pizza and fucks hot girls lol

why the fuck do you still think about this random uninteresting encounter from 2 years ago

move on with your life u fucking loser

You got beat on and called the cops before running away, good job OP.

imagine thinking of this shit after all this time. You did the right thing by not even fighting back. You may think you're pathetic but that fake ass friend of yours is absolutely fucking devastated over the fact that he literally could not do anything. You're losing because you keep thinking about it. stop thinking about it because that's how you win. Everyone calling you beta for not fighting back is a dumbass and they probably imagine getting into hypothetical arguments and imagine winning. Just stop caring.

This is based af. Most people here have never had anything bad happen to them because don’t have lives and only leave the house to go to the gym. Revenge is real, it feels like shit when someone fucks you over, revenge cures everything. I’ve gotten revenge lots. I had a guy cut me off pulling out of his driveway and then went super slow like 20km down a 50km road and then I honked at him and he dead stopped his car, got out and went up to my window (he looked like a freak) and then I just drove off. Went back to his house later that night and egged his car

t. OP

Holding rage is bad. Bottle that rage into the very back of your brain, forget about it, and when it comes time to confront him, find that bottled up rage and empty it all over his face

Also. Faggots ITT: Revenge is in human nature, it feels good
>L-let it go! b-be the bigger man!!
T.soibois afraid of confrontation

revenge is based, i once was riding my bike down the creek. and this fag with a motorcycle kept doing wheelies past me, making me go off balance, untill I eventually did and fell in the creek.

So i looked up his licence plate, it was custom, went to his house at night and carved into the side of his motorbike "Alec was here"

fuckin biggest rush of my life

Kek imagine having two free shots on someone and not being able to at least daze them

One time when i was about 17, had this girl i really liked. anyway my so called "friend" started dating her, and accidentally sent me pictures of her breast, knowing it'd make me incredibly mad.

I was a skrawny weakling back then, but now im swole, and i looked him up on facebook, found his job, and sent him roses from Bret. now hes the office faggot.

revenge is totally based af

He hit OP so he was too stunned to react and still thinks about it to this day

Revenge is primal, like enjoying the smell of a beautiful girls cunt and her asshole. Like seeing a woman with wide hips and big tits and everything in you just wants to impregnate her. I can’t believe the amount of soi latte zoomers ITT that can’t grasp that. Zoomers truly will fuck this planet up with their softness

thanks for the chuckle

And he’ll have to live with knowing he had two free shots on someone and couldn’t phase them, and then had a police report made on him (which is forever) and then had to dish out money from his pocket to pay for vehicle damages. All while apparently calling his mom to the scene and he’s 24? This sounds like some incel shit

If you aren't larping. Don't. Trust me, you assault him, you'll go to jail and either have to be released or pay bail. Go to court and then have to attend anger management or pay restitution.

OP didn't press charges

Still not as incel as OP though.

Watch this fag will call the police and won’t fight back when you get your revenge lol just don’t damage any of his property like he did to you, that’s where he fucked up

Sucker punches are a cowards game. That being said, since he did into you first, then if he see him around give it to him back, see how he likes his own medicine.

Sucker punching = coward punching. Especially to someone who OP apparently trusted and they got into an argument. Women hit and sucker punch. That’s a woman’s game.

Lol,please be true.

>beta bitchboy still cries himself to sleep over his "fake friend" who pretendedto be "real friend"


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This. OP that sucker punched sounds like a shady little bitch. What you should do if you see him in person is just provoke him again and then he can see what you physically look like now and then you can get a taste of his true character, does he get violent when confronted by someone who’s ready to fight or can he only be a big man against someone who isn’t looking for a fight? Either way, talk shit to him, make fun of him for being a loser, record him, and post it online for us to be the judge

And op has been planning to do the exact same for over 2 years which is a lot worse and 10000x more beta.

Hey. Not Op but I’ve been screwed over by fake friends too. It doesn’t keep me up at night, not at all, but it definitely sticks with you, and yes, sometimes the thoughts randomly enter my mind, not everyday or every week, but sometimes they randomly enter my mind and I reflect on them. That’s normal.

>That’s normal.

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Retard, you did the best you could do. Humiliated him without even assaulting him. What more do you want off this situation?

>he doesn’t reflect on past experiences to grow as a human

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This. If what OP said is true he sent him to the curb almost crying and he wasn’t even the one that got hit. He also had to dish out his own money for your vehicle. You ate two sucker punches and can tell that story to people. I’d rather be the one eating two sucker punches and making fun of the dude who did it than being the guy who sucker punches someone and he rips into me for being a lousy hitter.

Hey so i'm counting calories, 2L of Coke cola, is 800 calories. But the study was from 2009. How much should I adjust to inflation when cutting?

>he talks about "fake friends"

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>resorting to police instead of coming with terms personally
Do americans really...

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You’re mentally ill if you think it wouldn’t be humiliating to get two free sucker punches in on someone who’s made you aggressive only for him to not be phased by them and proceed to rip into you and then you resort to calling your mother to come to the scene where you just committed vandalism and assault. The real problem is that OP got the better of this guy but he still wants more? Like that wasn’t good enough?

>he has stock pictures of women laughing saved on his phone

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>he started crying and telling me about his """"""fake friend""""""""

>he still cries himself to sleep after 2 years

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>>he started crying and telling me about his """"""fake friend""""""""

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Not even OP lmao

>and then he started posting virgin cartoons and he's still crying

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