Non-lifters are such faggots

People on fa hate Yas Forums so much, they're obsessed with looking skinny. Not even ottermode. These guys literally sit in their rooms all day starving themselves lmfao.

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user, what were you doing on /fa/?

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I have a friend who would frequent that board until a couple months ago(prob still does) and I can confirm this,they're trans and get really fucking insecure over retarded shit. I love them despite all that but I just wish the faggotry would get out of their head but its them and I can't change it so I just live with it.

telling tr*nnies to dial 8
reminding them they'll never pass
the usual

lifters are also insecure faggots

Take OP for example, believe it or not he;s still a virgin. lmao

Finished high school and still a fucking virgin. He has failed at life and thinks lifting heavy objects will make him more appealing to women, but it won't. ;_;

Not long before his desperation results in him having a homosexual experience. If only he swallowed the cardiopill and the personalitypill, he might have had a chance to succeed in life.

Good, you never fail to meet my expectativas

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rent free
thinspo is for fat people and tall girls, keep to yourself

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lifters are LITERAL faggots

not that there's anything wrong with that :^)

They sometimes have good fashion advice, but holy fuck are they cringe.

I find that /fa/ has terrible fashion advice most of the time however /frag/ is definitely one of the best generals on this website. All the regular guys on there know an incredibly impressive amount about fragrances.

God you're so gay

Bet your dad used to smell like Hugo Boss or some shit as he belted your ass into oblivion lmao.

Well done on proving his point lmao

Cope faggot
literally who gives a shit about smell lmao. fags like you I guess

nah, fragrance is pretty good for a guy. you want to leave an impression on a girl
im thinking about getting back into colognes. anything in particular thats been creeping into style these days?

>negative fat percentage
>still has gyno

I was on your side at the start but he's right about you being a faggot


Those ferries think wearing cropped up trousers is the highest for of fashion and self expression

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It's bizarre, isn't it? I come to Yas Forums so I can STOP looking like a starving skeleton and these people actually want to. Really weird, you wouldn't want to get fat on purpose but these people want to be skinny.

Tall thin girls are the ideal form of female beauty.

Tall and slim is a good look as far as girls are concerned. They like it. I mean, if I was tall, I'd do that too.

I asked for fashion advice for chunky/buff guys and none of them could help me, said I'm stuck wearing basics

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On their best dressed day you look better than them in cargo shorts and flip flops. Why are you letting girl men make you seethe?

Right? /Fa/gboys would love to rim a buff freak, hell they probably licked sweat from seats during highschool after football team finished training

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Some of their grid threads are pretty good, and I enjoy dressing well

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Why do you say that as if it's an insult? Is sticking your dick in a vagina really such a great achievement?

where do i find one of these gf (male)s you speak of?
no homo ofc

Depends on type you want and watch out since those superskinny are often looking bad
Try tranny discords, not even kidding

no shit, you in one brah?

Literally buy clothes you like and male sure they are flattering for your form